Fifty Five

451 36 2

POV: Yoongi
"Minji... I hope I'm doing you proud. Look at me now, I've finally figured out all of my shit and I've gotten myself together. Aren't you proud of me?"

I whispered to myself, looking up at the night sky with a smile. I looked at all of the beautiful, twinkling stars, admiring the view.

Hoseok and Byungho were fast asleep, since it was nearly two in the morning, but I sat by the windowsill of our new flat and just simply thought about stuff.

Hoseok would be done with education for good in about two years, so all we had to do was stay strong, hope for the best, and carry on towards the ever-changing future that we were now a massive part of.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok groaned.


"Go to sleep, baby," he said sleepily, eyes still closed. "Stop talking to yourself, you'll wake up Byungho, silly. You also have work tomorrow, so you should really get some sleep."

"I can't."

"Awe, baby, are you having trouble sleeping again? Come 'ere, let me sing you to sleep." he cooed, waving his hand at me as though his hand was a dead fish.

I did as I was told, slowly creeping back into bed. Hoseok stroked my hair and opened his eyes slowly with a yawn.

"Baby..." he whispered, before gently humming a calming tune to me. "Everything will be alright in the end, baby. I just know it. It'll all be okay, you just have to wait it out."

I nodded, and slowly, I felt myself dozing off. I ended up sleeping on Hoseok's chest, and when the dawn came upon us, we both woke up together with a groan.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, stretching.

"Yeah, all thanks to you." I smiled, giving him a quick good morning kiss on the cheek.

"Alrighty, Byungie! Good morning, my man!" Hoseok enthused, making Byungho giggle as he carried him. "You must be hungry, little one. I'll get you some bottled milk, okay?"

Hoseok talked to him as though he would magically answer back, but he was starting to understand some words and familiarise himself with the outside world more, which was good to see.

When he disappeared into the kitchen to get some milk and food for him, I took a glance at my phone and saw I got a new text from someone.

Yuna: hey, I know it's been a while since we last talked, and I'm sorry about everything that's happened, but how's life? Are you and Hoseok doing well with your new kid?

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