First Day

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"Wake up Rachel" I heard my aunt yell. I then heard her walk up the stairs and into my room. She over to me pulled the covers off and soaked me in water. "Reese. You're such a bitch" I told her kind of upset. She smiled and put her hand on her chest then walked out. I had no other choice then to get up and get ready. Since I had had a completely new look. I decided to wear one of my new outfits. (Outfit in the picture above).. I then curled my hair into light curls and did my everyday makeup style but adding more eyeliner and mascara. When I was finished I sprayed on my Michael Kors ' Island' perfume then walked downstairs with my things. I walked downstairs to see my aunt fixing her makeup in the living room's mirror. "Hey". She looked up in amazement and awe. "Rachel you look beautiful. I can't wait for you to leave". I looked around thinking to myself did she really just say that but I was roughly interrupted with my auntie yelling at me it's time to go. I quickly grabbed my bag of donuts and some money and walked to the car.

  We drove into the school's parking lot and I got out waving to my aunt as she yelled " you look hot sweetie . Don't worry about other people!!!". I turned and looked at her as she drove off. As I turned around I noticed people staring, mostly boys but I wasn't interested. I was digging through my purse while walking inside to get my schedule when I slipped and fell on my butt. I then realized I'd bumped into someone again. " Oh I'm such a clutz" the voice said while picking me up. I then noticed it was the boy I bumped into yesterday at open house. " Finn? , It's me Rachel". He looked up and his eyes got wider. He was about to say something back when a girl in a cheerleaders uniform came up to me . " Who the hell are you and why are you talking to my boyfriend". I looked at her until i said " I'm sorry" I then walked away embarrassed. I really needed to get tough. Anyway I only had 10 minutes to get to class and I didn't no where I was going. I asked this cheerleader where was the room but she replied with "In hell, you should go" and walked off. Just as she walked away I got a text from my Aunt. "Sorry Rachel. I wish I could be here when you came home from the first day but they called me into work. I have to be in Maine in an hour. So I left $700 dollars on the table and there's plenty of food. Okay have a great day and we will talk when I get back in 2 weeks. I love you Sweetheart❤❤." I looked at the text and simply replied with' Okay Reese's Pieces I LOVE YOU TOO. BE CAREFUL!!!". I put my phone up in time just to see a kid get pushed. " Hey stop it before I start kicking ass" I normally don't talk back or say this but someone was getting bullied. I had no choice . The two boys I'm assuming were jocks walked off without saying a word.  I turned around to see the kid still on the floor. "Aren't you going to get up?" I asked curiously.
"I would but I can't walk. Those jocks put my wheelchair in the girls bathroom". I instantly felt bad so I went to get it. I didn't realize the bell had rung 5 minutes before until I saw we were in the fall alone. I came back to help him in the wheelchair. " Thanks. By the way. I'm  Artie.  I held out my hand and said "Rachel". I then asked him where was my first class . He walked me to the class then turned to walk in. I noticed and said " won't You be late to class?". "Nope. Because this is my class."  He replied as a matter of factly. I walked into class to see all eyes on me. I looked down and walked over to the teachers desk. " Uhm. Hi I'm the new student Rachel Berry".  The teacher then looked up and said " Ah yea Miss Berry. I see you got lost. Welcome to McKinley or as I say Beinvenidos . Go have a seat next to Mr. Hudson over there and we'll get started". I nodded and kept walking until I seen the only empty seat. While walking back here I noticed that blonde cheerleader from earlier giving me the meanest stare. I wonder why?.. I sat down and said " The teacher man told me to sit here . I'm Rachel"  The boy then looked up and I realized who it was. " The teacher man's name is Mr. Shue, and I know who you are , we have to stop meeting up like this." He said smirking at me. I had to admit . He was gorgeous but I also know that he has a girlfriend. Oh well. I sat and paid attention and the rest of the class went smoothly.

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