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I woke up to hear beeping. I didn't know where I was or why I was there. I couldn't quite remember anything. All I know is that it was dark and I was alone. I then heard a voice. I didn't know who that was either. It couldn't be my Reese's pieces , she didn't have a masculine voice. I guess the voice knew me because it called me Rachel." Hey Rachel, It's me Finn .Finn ? I know you cant hear me or maybe you can. I just want to say I hope you pull through. I would like you to wake up and tell me who did this" who did what. "but I wont rush you. In the meantime I will be here sitting right beside you". I know who the voice was , It was Finn but why would he be sitting next to me. Suddenly I got a headache and flashes of what happened came to me. The only things I remember was being beaten, asking for help and Finn and I in his truck everything else was a blur. I was in pain. I'm ready I want to open my eyes I want to see Finn. Just as I thought that thought he started to sing. He has such a beautiful voice. next thing you know I feel him grab my hand and I'm seeing light. I tried to talk but the only words or word that came out was "beautiful". I looked at Finn and he looked surprised. I looked around just as a man in white holding a clipboard came in "AH. MISS BERRY. YOURE AWAKE. I looked around again and tried to sit up. I guess Finn and the man noticed because they came and helped me up. I looked to my left and saw a HUGE computer and a bunch of tubes. I must be in the hospital considering my arm had an iv in it. I tried to speak but nothing came out so I just grabbed my throat. "My apologies Miss Berry. I will go get you some water . I'll be right back. I nodded and he left the room. I looked over at Finn and he just held my hand and said " Everything will be alright Rach, I'm here with you" I smiled knowing that I was safe with finn. The doctor came in and gave me the water and asked me a few questions. "Rachel I'm sorry its so soon and I know you can barely speak but I was wondering. Do you have a parent or guardian I could call to let them know you are here. I took a minute to let my throat moisturize and then I tried speaking " I-I have a Aunt. She is my l-legal g-guardian". The doctor nodded as he wrote down what I said. "Does she have a number I could maybe call her on? What's her name? I drank more water and began to answer his many questions. " Her name is Marissa Berry and her number is 555-0867. I drank again a cup of water as he wrote things down. Finn just sat there the whole time holding my hand and smiling at me. "Okay Rachel. I have everything I need to know , there is a few minor things but I can ask your Aunt. I will be back in 10 minutes to check your vitals and later you will have another scan to check your ribs also". I looked at the doctor and nodded as he walked away leaving me with Finn. For a few minutes it stayed quiet between us until I spoke up. " Thank You for being here and all Finn and not to sound rude but why are you here. Wont Quinn stop talking to you or something. Wont she be mad at you and me.?". He stayed quiet and hung his head down low so I couldn't see his eyes. " I'm sorry if that came out rude , I am really happy that you're here. Thanks for caring" Rachel I have to ask you a question and I want you to be completely honest with me" He said still looking down. I knew what he was going to ask but I pretended to not know anything. "Okay. Ask away." He looked up and started to ask me his question "I wanna know who did this , I know you might not want me to kow but I have to find out who did this, Its been killing me just seeing you in here hurting and fighting for your life. So Rachel, please tell me who did this?" I looked down ashamed not wanting to answer his question. I knew it would make him mad and angry. I knew he would do something crazy if I told him For a while I didn't say anything. "Come on Rachel. You know I wont give up. So tell me. Tell me who did this to you." I looked up into his  big chocolate brown eyes and told him the one name I knew would break his heart if he knew.


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