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"Quinn". When Rachel said her name I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. After 10 minutes of blank staring I got up the courage to say something. " Rachel, Are you sure it was Quinn? I mean after all she was pretty nice to you?" I said making sure I heard correctly. ' Yes Finn come on. We both know Quinn hates me for talking to you. Its like she was jealous." I sat there not believing what i was hearing. "Rachel I don't think Quinn would do this. Ye she gets jealous but never could put someone in the hospital." I said getting pissed." Finn open your eyes. Quinn and her little cheerios did this to me . She did this. Why would I lie Finn. I have no reason to lie and especially to you. She's a bitch and you know it. " she said. "That's it . Quinn would never o this. You're just mad because you're a big nosed freak who is shorter than Shrek and isn't that pretty. Never accuse Quinn of anything like this again or you will get slushy facials daily." I got up and stormed out of the room grabbing my keys off the table next to Rachel's bed ignoring her. "Fine don't believe me . Ask her. She's a pretty honest person right. Ask her...". I left and headed to Quinn's house

*5 Minutes Later * I arrived at Quinn's house and by this time i was steaming mad. My face was red and i could feel my blood boiling inside of me. I ran up to the door and knocked on it until someone answered. I heard the lock on the door click and it swung open. To my surprise it wasn't Quinn. It was Puck. "Puck what are you doing at MY girlfriend's house???" I said even madder. Before Puck could answer me with a lie I heard Quinn's voice. "Babe come on back who's at the do-? She stopped mid sentence when she saw my face and saw how mad I was . "Finn , What are you doing here?" 'What a coincidence because I asked Puckerman here the same thing BABE" I said a lot calmer. After I said that Quinn looked down as if she was just found guilty of something. 'LOOK Quinn maybe I should just go". "Actually you don't have too because i'm going to need a witness and Quinn will need a bodyguard. Now Quinn do you wanna tell me anything or confess to doing anything?" " Look Finn i'm sorry but yes I have been cheating on you with puck. It's been going on for months now. I looked at her in disbelief but at the same time i wasn't surprised. I was now actually starting to believe Rachel about all the lying. I then decided to pretend. " Actually Quinn I was going to say I know about Rachel and I now that you did it . I just want to know why did you do it. She did absolutely nothing to you". "What The hell are you talking about I didn't do anything , how dare you accuse me of something like this?" "Cut the bullshit Quinn. Stop it ! This "good girl" image is over people are starting to see through it." I could tell she was about to say something but i cut her off again. " Shut up don't say a damn word. I just came to say stay the hell away from Rachel . I don't want to see you talking to her or walking next to her. Got that. I don't care if you have a project together stay away from her." I finished my sentence and walked away but before I got in my truck I turned around and said to Quinn " Oh and 'BABE' we're DONE". I looked over and her mouth dropped so I left. I felt good , That felt good. Now hopefully I can spend more time with Rachel....who I needed to apologize to.

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