Happiest day of Rachel's life

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Here's to us
Rachel I love you so much and it's probably too early to say this but it's what I feel so here's to us and the future I have planned for us. So Rachel Barbra Berry. Will you be my girlfriend?

I stood there holding Finn's hand after he'd just ask me to be his girlfriend. "Finn- I don't know. I really do like you but Quinn. If she finds out she will-" "Rachel , Quinn isn't going to hurt you. Who cares about her. It's me and you. I promise to protect you. Just please Rachel. I've never felt this way about anyone even Quinn. You mean so much to me. I - I love you Rachel. I jumped into Finn's arms and started to cry. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I wouldn't have it any other way. Rachel and Finn then shared a passionated fireworked kiss. This is the moment they've been waiting for. *ringgss* the bell rings and it's time for them to go to class. When they entered the hallway the again received looks but this time Rachel didn't care . She didn't care because today was the happiest day off her life. She felt better than she'd ever felt. She slowly loved at Finn mesmerized by Finn's handsomeness. " Like what you see ?" Finn smirked. Rachel laughed. " Just your handsome face". Finn bent down and kissed her appearing at her class. '" I'll see you later girlfriend". Rachel loved the sound of that. GIRLFRIEND. "See you later boyfriend" . They then shared a kiss and Rachel stood outside the door watching as Finn walked and turned away. Rachel sat down in her chair and blushed thinking" this is the happiest day of my life"

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