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When I reached the nurses office to ran over to me quickly and asked me what happened. I told her everything that I told Puck about finding her. I took her over to the bed to get checked out and as the nurse came back Rachel awoke. She tried to scream but she grabbed her throat. The nurse assured her that everything was okay and that she was safe now. That had seemed to calm her down even though she didn't notice I was here . 10 minutes into the nurse helping Rachel she walked over to me and said with tears in her eyes . "Take her to the hospital".  I looked at her confused and she told me that Rachel wasn't breathing correctly and she think her arm was broken. I nodded and went to pick up a unconscious Rachel bridal style and walked out the door.  I laid Rachel down in the backseat and put a blanket I had over her. I then started the 15 minute drive. I was turning the last turn when I got a text from Puck
Puck : Dude where are you! ?  Practice started a hour ago. We need the Quarterback.?

Finn: Crap dude I forgot. Im taking Rachel to the hospital. She's not doing to good. Can you manage to take over?

Puck: sure anything dude. I hope she feels better.

I looked at my phone one last time and put it away. I drove into the parking lot and found a parking spot. I got out and opened the door to see Rachel eyes opening she looked scared so she jumped up bit failed and this time she grabbed her stomach. "RACHEL LOOK AT ME . STAY STILL YOU ARE SAFE OKAY. DO YOU ANYONE I COULD CALL? A MOM OR DAD?. " She looked at me and tried to answer but quickly passed back out. I picked her up and walked her into the building. " Uhm. Excuse me. " I said to the lady at the reception desk. She looked up and smiled. "What's going on handsome. Need help?" I could tell she was flirting with me but all I worried about was Rachel. "Uhm yes  I need to see a doctor and fast. Please go get someone" she looked at Rachel who was in my arms and rolled her eyes . " Fine. I will page him". I stood there until a doctor showed. I told him what happens and he told me to follow him into a x ray room. I sat Rachel down on the bed and walked into the little room so I could see if she was okay. The doctor started to x ray Rachel when I got a call. It was from Quinn. I walked out the room telling the doctor I was leaving .

Finn : hey what's going on
Quinn: Where are you school ended 30 minutes ago!
I looked at my phone and realized It was 4:00.
Finn: I'm at the hospital with Rachel. I found her beaten up pretty badly
Quinn: oh boohoo . I don't care about her. I care about my boyfriend not coming to pick me up. Look you better be here within 10 minutes or its over.

She hung up the phone and i automatically grew mad. I cared about Rachel and I wanted to stay for her. Anyway I went back into the hospital and told the doctor I would have to leave for a while but just put her in a room so I could see her when she got back. He shook his head and said okay and watched me leave.  I drove up to the school and watched Quinn get into the car. "  Now that's more like it. Never hang or take her anywhere. I don't like her. Got it?" I put the car in drive and said "whatever". It was 5:30 when I dropped Quinn off and the whole time I thought of Rachel. I got home and went to my room and laid down thinking of Rachel.

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