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I knew I had to get Rachel to be my girlfriend and I know just how. KURT.

I walked into the school looking for Kurt and immediately seen him talking to Brittany. I rushed over to them mid conversation and starting talking. "Kurt, I need your help". He looked over and smiled "Hi Finn. Hold on." And he turned back to Brittany and looked serious. "Now Brittany , Do not try to stick anymore glue on the doors." Brittany walked away mumbling something about unicorns and Sue. "Okay Finn. what's wrong?" "I need your help in something really important , but you can't tell anyone and I mean anyone." He looked at me sadly "Not even Blaine?" "Not EVEN Blaine." He looked sad but then cheerful . "Ooh this must be serious. I can't tell anyone. Okay spill." I then told him about Quinn and Rachel and wanting Rachel to be my girlfriend. "Of course I will help you. 1 I'm a sucker for romance and 2 I hate Quinn". I looked at him and laughed .
*9 Hours later *.
It was now 9:30 and Rachel had arrived at McKinley as she was told to. She opened the door and seen pink rose and tulip petals on the floor and lit candles lined along the lockers. She then walked along further and seen a sign that said "keep walking" . With every step she gasped even more because she saw that there were compliments and poems everywhere. She then walked into the choir room (as the signs led her to ) and seen students lined up with different color roses. With every step she took, they handed her a rose leading her out the other choir door . Rachel now had 11 roses. She walked even further until she seen a HUGE sign in bold pink and glittery letters saying "AUDITORIUM". She walked along more candles and petals until she stopped at the door. She turned the knob and walked in. As soon as she walked in one of the spotlights Shone on the stage confusing her more than ever. She then read some directions from a card and sat down in one of the seats. A few moments passed and Rachel was getting irritated. She then sat down the flowers and got up. She was about to walk out until something happened. Something Rachel would call "magical".

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