See you soon.

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It's about 10am and I opened the door to my room and walked downstairs. The house was empty. The only thing here was a note from my mom and Burt saying they would be home in an hour and Kurt would be at Blaine's. I hated being home alone it was boring. I went upstairs and walked in the bathroom to take a shower. 15 minutes later I'm looking for my shoes whenever I hear my phone ring. I looked at the name and it said Rachel . I smiled widely but it faded when I remembered what I did. I now felt terrible.. I soon snapped out of my daydream and answered my phone right before it went to voicemail.. "Hello". I said terrified she might yell at me "Finn? Hey It's Rachel". I showed a small smile at the fact that I already knew that. "I know that Rach, I have caller ID *chuckles sadly* "Oh that's right. sorry I'm just excited. *laughs* As she giggled I thought to myself "She's so adorable. I wish she knew how sorry I was. She was right". 'Thanks you're not so bad yourself and it's okay Finn really. I know you meant none of it. I just got to you and you couldn't take it. I'm sorry." *feeling embarrassed* "you heard that didn't you. I thought I said it in my head but I guess not. And I should be sorry I was the one who hurt you. I'm sorry. "It's ok". *stays silent and whispers* way to go Hudson" *Rachel giggles* '"So what's up? You kind of called me out of the blue. Are you okay??" "Oh right about that! I'm getting out today. The doctor said I was doing surprisingly well." she said all cute and happy. " That's amazing Rachel. I know how much the hospital made you depressed. I'm so happy for you. *sounding less excited* "Thanks Finn" When she said that it instantly broke my heart. I could tell she was upset I just didn't quite know why. '"Hey Rach, Are you okay you sound upset what's wrong?'"I don't think I can go home. I mean they released me and all but I have no way home. I guess I have to stay until my aunt comes. I really thought I would get out of here. What am I going to do?" I could tell she was on the verge of tears. She sounded so helpless and upset. That was all about to change. "How about I come get you. I was going to come and see you today anyway.' I said hoping she would say yes, "No Finn it's fine. I couldn't ask you to do that for me "" Rachel , It's fine I promise. It's no big dal. I want to hang out with you anyway" 'Are you sure Finn? I don't want to ruin your plans?'" ' Rachel my plans were to be with you today okay. it's fine'. She finally gave in. " Okay Finn. I will go finish packing my things. Thanks Finn". " No problem. I'm on my way.' I was about to hang up the phone when I heard her say something. ' See You Soon Finn". See You Soon Rachel". I said and hung up. I did it. I'd gotten Rachel back. Good Job Hudson!

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