Chapter 23: Camping With Kyrie

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The alarm on Kyrie's phone beeped loudly making Aja frown. She stretched out her arms only to feel Kyrie's side of the bed cold. Aja struggled to get up in the morning so Kyrie used his secret weapon, Sasha.
Kyrie had already gotten up and packed his dad's old truck up with their bags.

"Mommy, come on me and daddy are waiting on you. And daddy said if you're not up by the time he gets up here you'll be in big trouble." Sasha said bouncing on the bed.

"Alright I'm up and please stop jumping on the bed before you hurt yourself." Aja said getting out of bed. "Okay mommy." Sasha climbed down from the bed only to follow behind Aja.


After three hours of driving, They'd finally reached the park Kyrie tapped on the steering wheel as one of DJ Khaled's song played. He looked over briefly at Aja then Sasha who were both sleeping.

I guess six thirty in the morning is too early for these two. He thought as he turned into the park entrance.

The park was divided into two parts a side for RV's and the other side for tents. Each side included access to a beautiful river and restrooms. There were also gift shops that held things from souvenirs to bait for fishing.

Kyrie road down to his reserved space that his father bought before his death. He parked the truck and waited a few minutes before waking Aja and Sasha up.

"We're here already?" Aja yawned. Sasha hadn't budged.

"Yeah. Y'all were knocked out. It was like battle of the bands with all the snoring you two were doing." She laughed while hitting his arm.

"We were tired not everyone is a damn early bird like you Mister." Aja teased as she helped Kyrie get their things set up.

"Babe, you should wake Stink up cause she'll have a fit if we pitch the tent without her."

"Yeah. Let me get her." Kyrie placed the cooler over next to the unassembled tent and air mattress.

By the time everything was setup and food was prepared the morning skies dimmed, making their camp fire appear beautifully the more it darkened. Sasha snuggled under Kyrie as Aja went to the restroom.

"I didn't know pitching a tent could be so hard or fishing... I don't think I want to touch anymore worms." She held a disgusted look on her face that made him laugh.

"Stink, it wasn't that bad... Did you know that when I was about your age my dad showed me how to do all of this?" Sasha shook her head.

"And we actually had to eat the fish cause we didn't have money like that." Kyrie chuckled thinkingabout his father.

"He even dared me to eat five worms for twenty dollars." Sasha's eyes widened and gasped.

"Well did you eat them?" He nodded quietly.

"Ewwww." She laughed as Aja walked up with a bag of snacks.

"Mommy, daddy ate five worms when he was little like me." Kyrie chuckled hearing Aja say "ew" the same way Sasha had.

"Would you eat worms for twenty dollars at age five?" He asked.

Hell nah but make it one hundred and we may have a deal. Aja thought shaking her head.

"Absolutely not we are not on Naked and Afraid. And even if I did I would need more than twenty dollars."

What we talking? Money or this D." Kyrie smirked knowing she'd read his mind.

"You're nasty." She whispered poking his chest.

"So you saying if I gave you anything you wanted right now... or later you'll do it?" Sasha looked from Kyrie to Aja watching the drama unfold.

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