Chapter 46: Sweetest Thing

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Graduation Day

The trickles of water dripped from Kyrie's body as he placed a sweet kisses on Aja's lips as she slept like a baby. It was Aja's graduation day and a long morning for Kyrie, he had to leave in a few hours for practice but he wasn't going to miss her important day for the world. Kyrie made sure he requested an early practice to make it on time to Aja's graduation. Though the Cav's had a game was in two days playing their rivals the Golden State Warriors, Kyrie was keep his promise to Aja.


Kyrie had just gotten in from shooting a Nike commercial downtown and been completely exhausted. He checked the calendar on the refrigerator looking for the exact date of Aja's graduation.

"If you can't make it I'll be fine." Aja spoke softly behind him earning his attention.

"No you won't and besides I already spoke to coach and I just have to wait the "okay" for an early practice at 6am. " Kyrie pulled her closer to him.

Aja signed playing with her fingers.

"Hey look at me," She lifted her head while slowly connecting her eyes with his.

"I promise I'll be at your graduation front row with a big ass sign with your name on it and an added bonus you get an extra special surprise for being summa cum laude." Kyrie ran his hands down her backside getting a firm grip.

"Oh is that right? Well...maybe I can get a sneak peak a little later seeing as though I have work in a few and don't forget your mom wants you to bring Sasha by. Aja kissed his cheek then jetting out of the house.

**End of flashback**

Kyrie's lips connected with her collarbone making her body shiver under his touch. He craved her.

"Babe, stop. I hate when you do that." Aja whined against his moist lips.

She pushed him aside and turn onto her side. Aja's been really grumpy lately. I wonder what that's about. He thought.

Aja had yet to tell Kyrie about the pregnancy though she planned on it his busy schedule conflicted her doing so. She didn't want to tell him over the phone or through text message because it seemed tacky to her but she indeed had a plan.

"I love you too but Mina is here to help you get ready for your graduation so, get your educated ass up." He said before smacking Aja's thigh.

His eyes scanned her chocolate hips and thighs that were tightly wrapped around her curvaceous body. He looked at her lustfully until she smacked him in the head with a pillow.

"Smack my thigh again and you won't make it to practice!" She shouted throwing another pillow hitting him in the head.

Her mean ass needs some loving. He smirked.

"And wipe that stupid smirk off your face." Aja ruffled the sheets angrily.

"You so damn cute."He kissed her forehead softly and left her lying in bed.

"Whatever move." Aja rolled her eye pushing him away from her space.

"Mina, Aja's up!" Kyrie shouted from down the hall.

If I wasn't in love with him, I'd kill him for messing with my sleep. She threw the covers off before slamming the bathroom door.

The further into Aja's pregnant morning's weren't so great for her anymore, she'd spent most of the night in the guest restroom flushing the toilet then sneaking back into bed. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up and away from Kyrie. He had yet to notice her nightly routine and slight weight gain. As weird as it seemed he didn't see much of a difference.

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