Chapter 41: Finding My Love 2.0

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Before you start this chapter, I want you to know that I appreciate you reading and expressing your love towards each character(s). However, I will not tolerate being harassed in my inbox about updating, obviously you love the story, which I understand BUT simply writing "Are you updating or Update plz" is not going to motivate me to update...It will only get you a MUTE. Also, in the comments please refrain from using Update plz it's irritating to ALL writers.

My current MOOD in the mm.


"That's the last of them buddy." Kyrie said grabbing Gregory's hand as they crossed the street. "You ready to watch your cartoons?" He looked down at Gregory's head nodding.

"Yes...Mr. Kyrie, what's going to happen to the bad guys once someone finds her?" Gregory asked pushing up the thick frames. "Will they get beat up and thrown in jail like on the cartoons?" He furrowed.

"Yes." He said before opening the door to the main office. I can't guarantee that whoever did this will make it to jail after, I'm done with them. He waved to Gregory's uncle.

"Hey little G, thanks for helping me out today." Kyrie said opening his wallet. "Here don't spend this all in one place." He smirked at the boy's now stretched eyes.

"Woah. A hundred bucks, I can buy millions of toys. Thank you... Mr. Kyrie and I hope you find your daughter." He said hugging Kyrie's legs.

He patted his back watched him run to the back of the counter. Kyrie took that moment to leave. As he pulled out of the parking lot of the motel his stomach growled."I need something to eat." Before heading to get some food, he headed to the nearest gas station. His tank was under E and he wasn't trying to call for a tow. He pulled into gas station.

As Kyrie walked out of the store with a few snacks and a beverage, he pumped his gas and felt a pair of eyes on him.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked leaning on his car.

The woman nodded with a flyer in her hands. "Excuse me, um I apologize for staring but my son said that you have a daughter that's missing, I think he may know where she is." Kyrie pumped the last of his gas and spoke to the woman and her son.


"I WANT MY MOMMY!" Aja sped up, almost in a running stride.

A man of Puerto Rican descent kneeled down to her eye level and gave her a stern look and choice of words that made her cry even louder. He snatched her up from the park bench and threw her over his shoulder. A few parents stared while some and talked amongst themselves.

The little girl kicked and screamed trying to get out of the uncomfortable hold.

"Calm down sweetheart daddy-Ah!" He felt her teeth sinking into his flesh. "MOMMY!!!" she belted with an attempt to wiggle out of his embrace.

"Mommy is right here...I was feeding your sister." Aja stopped once she watched a woman with deep brown skin get out of her car with a newborn baby attached to her breast.

"Ania Rose! what did I tell you about fighting your dad, huh?" Her father examined her tiny bite mark.

"I wanted you to play on the swing set with me NOT daddy." The little girl's eyes watered.

Aja bit her lip as a sudden tear fell upon her cheek. I guess it wasn't meant for me to find her today. She walked back to her car defeated and scared though Aja knew God heard her cries.

After an emotional driving back home, Aja pulled into the driveway of Kyrie's place. His car wasn't there but the kitchen lights were on. She furrowed her brows exiting the car. With taser in one hand and keys in the other she'd slowly approached the unlocked door. Lord, please don't let me have to use the damn thing. She thought walking through the door.

Once Aja searched downstairs and turned off the kitchen light. She sent Kyrie a quick text telling him to get back to the house. Her stomach churned terribly, as much as she didn't want to check upstairs she knew she had too. Her heart pounded with each step she took up the stairs.

A tiny music box played lowly throughout one of the many rooms. Aja stopped once she realized it was coming from Sasha's room. She turned the knob quickly and cut on the light. Her eyes widened.

"You're-"The words got caught in Aja's throat as she saw Sonya rocking back and forth with Sasha as she slept in her arms. A man with similar features sat on the floor shining his gun.

"Yes fatty, it's me and you should thank me for bringing this little whiny brat back." Aja's blood boiled as she watched Sonya raking her long nails through Sasha's messy hair. Her eyes scanned over the dirty clothes and torn shoes.

Forgive me, Lord but I'm about to drag this bitch! Aja's fists balled up.

"Hope you didn't think that you could get rid of me, I mean successfully of throwing me in the looney bin was cute but damn bitch, I thought you were smarter than that." Sonya kissed the top of Sasha's head and laid her down in here bed. "Are you ready to fight for your family?" Sonya said walking up to Aja.

She's baaaaack!
Happy Friday!
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