Chapter 25: Childish Behavior

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Rain poured down the streets of New York as Aja ran for a taxi. Today she was headed to a photo shoot with Cam Newton since Richard was unable to attend. The taxi driver greeted her with a simple nod as she got in the car.

"I'm Ricardo, I'll be your driver. Where are we headed this raining afternoon?" The driver asked watching Aja through the rear view mirror.

"It's a pleasure meeting you I'm Aja. And Wenston Taylor's Studio in Brooklyn." She instructed.

"Isn't that where all the uppity folks hangout with their margaritas and fancy cheese platters." He joked.

Aja laughed lightly. "Yes that's where I'm headed it's my first time going over there so it shouldn't be that bad... right?" She asked nervously. He shrugged.

"You'll see once you get there. But I have a question for you, what's a good girl like you going to Brooklyn anyway?"

"It's for a photo shoot with the company I work for."

"Oh so you're a model? Ya know if you looking for a hot Latino male about my height-"

"Ricardo, I'm not a model and if we're ever looking for Latino comedians I'll keep you in mind. Thank for the ride."

"You're welcome and try to stay dry." She waved goodbye and shielded her head coat as she ran over to the double doors of the studio.

Kyrie sat drenched in sweat as he held a towel to his face. He stayed behind after practice to get some more work in with the season quickly approaching Kyrie wanted nothing more than to win another championship.

His phone rang interrupting his peace and quiet. "Hello?" He'd answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Daddy." Sasha sniffled in the phone making his heart break.

"Yes daddy's baby, what happened?" He stood up and headed for the locker room.

"My nose won't stop running and my eyes are icky." Her allergies were terrible around the time of year.

"Where is Nana?" He heard shuffling of some sort and Sasha telling her grandmother to get the phone.

"Sasha, go get back in bed." Joanne said softly placing the phone to her ear.

"Before you ask, the next door neighbors cat got out and I let Sasha outside for a few minutes not knowing she was playing with it and that's when she ran back in crying." Kyrie sighed.

"I'm gonna stop by the toy store and get her something to make her feel better." He said

"Oh and I just gave her some medicine so, her sinuses should be clear by the time you get home." She informed.

"Thanks mama, and let Sasha know I'll be home in a few minutes." They said their goodbyes and ended the call mutually.

Back at the studio Aja helped the stylist with a few of Cam's looks but of course nothing please him. His attitude was ruining everything.

"Aja, I'm sorry I can't do this he's being an idiot and I don't get paid enough to deal with him throwing shade at my craft!" Jasper the stylist yelled while packing up his things.

"You can't leave... look how about I go talk to him and you calm down." She pleaded taking the bag from his hands.

"Whatever but I'm only doing this cause you're a sweetheart." He rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.

She walked out of the dressing room onto the floor where Cam stood while he posed.

She walked out of the dressing room onto the floor where Cam stood while he posed

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"I'm on my model shit right now." Cam looked over his shoulder.

"Hey Derrick, you think we can take a five minute break?" He nodded.

"Yeah its cool." He sighed in relief. " I'll be outside once you're done but please take your time." Aja nodded quietly stomping angrily towards Cam.

"Why you stop the shoot? I was just getting started." Cam said spinning around like Michael Jackson.

Aja was beyond irritated with the way he'd been behaving. It was becoming too much. She had to address the situation before it got out of hand.

"Stop moving! " Aja shouted holding his muscular arms still. "Would it kill you to be nice to the people around you?! You make all that damn money and yet you act like a complete asshole!"

"Oh are you hungry cause I could use some hot wings." He ignored her and pick up his phone.

"Oh hell no." She snatched his phone from his hands. "Obviously you don't care but all these people in here helping you out today because they want to see you win and for you to just shit on all of us really shows who you really are." He chuckled and reached for his phone only to get popped like a child acting out in church. "Wear the damn clothes and shut up." She spat.

"Aight I get it. I apologize whatever i did wrong....Now can I get my shit back." Aja shook her head and threw his phone in his direction then walked away.

I am so ready for this shoot to be over! Aja thought getting Derrick and the crew back in the studio. "He apologized for his childish behavior and would like to finish the shoot....if it's okay with the rest of you?" Aja asked. Derrick took another pull from his blunt before putting it out.

"Yeah it's okay with us but if he says anything else about how he should've won the super bowl I'm going home."Derrick warned. Aja looked back warning Cam with her eyes then turned her attention back to Derrick.

"He won't. I promise." She said confidently.

Thankfully the rest of the shoot ran smoothly with Cam's participation. Aja helped Jasper pack up his things one by one in his car until every article of clothing was inside. They said their goodbyes and Aja returned to the studio for her bag. All the crew had gone and even Cam.

"Shit my battery's dead." She sighed trying to power it on.

"You need a ride home?" Aja looked up to see Cam in his black Mercedes truck. "It's way too dark out here to be taking taxi's or walking." She stood there for a moment and looked at her phone in hopes of it powering on.

"I'm not going to take no for an answer." He said smiling widely. She glanced back down at her phone contemplating her next move.

Happy Thursday
I wanted to rewrite this chapter... it's boring to me.
Let know if you liked it.

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