Chapter One - He Joins The Drama Class

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Ellie Williams was not shy about showing how much she loved drama class. She took this class very seriously and it was her favourite subject. She wanted to study this further when she left and finally got out of this school. Although she had a love of a subject that required a lot of confidence, she was a quiet girl and knew that probably less than 10% of the school would know her name. She knew she would be classed as a nerd but this was only because she took school seriously. She didn't understand why people wouldn't think school was important. Ellie wasn't a loner though, she had her two best friends by her side and it had been this way since she can remember.

Emily Adams was probably one of the most beautiful girls Ellie had ever seen. She had long blonde hair and big brown eyes and always just looked like she was ready for the runway. She was never really aware of her beauty and had the biggest heart. She loved to volunteer for many charities every other weekend and was constantly donating her wages from her part-time job. Ellie knew one day she would be in a job where she would be caring for others. They had met in their nursery class and had been best friends since they shared a juice box.

Then there was Summer Brown. She loved playing football and played for the school team. Everyone knew her name as she was one of the top players. She was very punky and had her short hair a different colour almost every week. Summer was a tough girl so people didn't bother her because they knew this would be a losing battle. She was a big sweetheart really. Ellie and Emily had met when they started primary school and the three of them had been inseparable ever since.

Ellie always felt like the runt of the litter. She always felt very average. Average brown hair, average green eyes. She wasn't tall, she wasn't short, fat nor skinny. She was just average and this is what she thought of herself day in and day out. It dampened her confidence even more. She felt plain and the only thing she felt that made her stand out was her good grades and having never failed a test. This, however, isn't exactly something that makes people popular, she thought and it's certainly not what boys want. She only felt like a star when she was on stage.


The sun rose on the first day back of a new school year. The final school year for Ellie, Emily and Summer. Ellie's alarm chimed loudly in her ear, waking her at 7:30 am. She rubbed her eyes while wishing she had tried to get into some sort of early rising routine before today. Early mornings were her least favourite thing about school. Or was it the bullies? She dragged her to the bathroom to make some sort of effort for her first day. The one and the only day she would do so. It didn't take her long to get ready and once she had the flick of her eyeliner as perfect as she could, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where the smell of toast filled the air.

She wished her dad, George a good morning and sat at the table.

"Are you excited about going back to school?" George asked, placing a plate of toast on the table

"I guess so" Ellie yawned as she began to butter a slice of toast.

"You'll be fine once you've woken up" George laughed giving her a pat on the back

"I guess I'm excited about going back to drama class" Ellie smiled

"If they will take you back," Her younger brother Jordan said as he entered the room. He dropped his bag on the table with a thud and took three slices of toast from the plate.

Jordan was 2 years younger than Ellie and they didn't have much of a relationship. They used to, but once their mother decided to leave, it all changed. Jordan was a lot like their mum in many ways with looks and personality. Ellie was completely different and looked like their dad. People wouldn't think they were brother and sister, rather distant cousins. Jordan was very much a mother's son and when she left without asking Jordan if he wanted to go with her, he was heartbroken. Ellie knew he would have left with her but he was never given the chance and now he takes all his anger out on her.

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