Chapter Six - Secrets

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Secrets. The word has a simple definition.

Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.

In her short seventeen years of life, Ellie had never really had a huge secret that she didn't want anyone to find out. She felt her biggest secret was the fact that she still slept with her baby blanket but even then, she didn't really care, it wasn't a big deal and she still slept with it to this day. She knew the older she got, the more secrets became a bigger deal and they became deeper and darker. She wondered how many secrets Jordan had locked away in his room where neither her or her dad were welcome. She wondered about her dad's secrets and who he would share them with. Maybe he knew why their mum left the family and kept that to himself. Ellie would never ask him about this though as they try not to speak about too much.

Ellie knew how secrets worked, especially in school. People tell a select few people things they want to be kept a secret and expect it to stay that way but it never does. The number of things that are shared between everyone in school was scary and Ellie had always felt bad for those who really didn't want their secret getting out. She knew she was lucky having friends like Summer and Emily, who were one hundred per cent trustworthy.

Ellie knew the secret she had wasn't that big a deal for her. She and Cooper were friends, that's it. The only people who knew were Summer and Emily and whoever Cooper had trusted to tell. Instead of doing homework and running lines, Cooper and Ellie hung out and played video games and went out together. They were having a lot of fun and it became even more fun if they spotted one of Coopers 'friends' and had to sneak around.

Cooper introduced Ellie to his brother, Luke properly and his friend Frankie. Ellie introduced Emily and Summer and everyone was getting on great. They hadn't hung out as a group too much yet but everyone seemed to click. Cooper was a very different person around Luke and Frankie and it was a much nicer person. Everyone could see it, even Cooper himself.

In school, it was apparent that their friendship was a secret. They wouldn't speak to each other unless they knew for a fact that they were alone. Ellie was enjoying this so much as she felt it was very exciting. The sly eye contact and smiles they flashed at each other kept her going. Cooper's favourite thing to do was send Ellie a text and watch for her reaction as he liked to see her laugh. They had begun to value this friendship as well as enjoy the thrill of not being caught.

"What are you laughing at now?" Emily asked

Ellie, Summer and Emily were in English class doing group work. They were supposed to be discussing their lesson however with the three of them in a group together, this was never going to happen.

"Just something Cooper texted me" Ellie smiled

"Should have known?" Summer said, "So everything is going good then?"

"Yes, I'm having a lot of fun" Ellie answered

"I'm glad you're having fun Ellie" Emily smiled "At least we know now that it's not something Claire set up"

"That's good because if it was my fist would be meeting her and Coopers face," Summer said

"No need for violence now" Emily chuckled

"Everythings good, there is definitely no need for violence" Ellie smiled

"Yes we know" Emily smirked

Summer smirked with her as they both looked at Ellie, eyebrows raised.

"What?" Ellie asked picking up on their strange behaviour

"You and Cooper are so into each other" Summer grinned

"No, stop, I'm not letting you both do this, we are not going there" Ellie shook her head and frowned at the girls

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