Chapter Four - Cooper: The Not So Nice Guy

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Ellie was confused about her feelings. She wasn't sure it was possible to hate someone for so many years and then in less than a few hours have it all change like that. Did she like Cooper now? Are they friends? These questions ran through her head as she tried to study. It was very distracting and annoying that someone was so in her head like this.

She knew only she could decide to like him or not. If he was the genuine, funny guy he was in his room, then, of course, she knew she liked him. Cooper was nice to her and treated her like they were good friends but she had to take into consideration that they were on their own. What if everything changed when he was back with his band of followers? It worried her. She knew she would look stupid if she approached him and he acted like his old self again. She didn't want to be humiliated.

Whether they were friends or not, she decided it was up to Cooper. Ellie knew she would actually like to be friends with him as it would make her life easier and they do have a lot in common. She felt she was in a tricky situation as she didn't want to be laughed at and she didn't want the false hope that they could be friends instead of him being her bully.

Emily and Summer were desperate to know all of the details the next day. Ellie promised she would discuss it with them. She didn't get a chance to explain the whole day until lunch break.

"So, we want all the details, please," Summer said, sitting down at the lunch table.

"It turned out to be a very strange night if I'm honest," Ellie said jumping straight into the gossip they wanted

"We are all ears" Emily smiled

Ellie went on to explain the events. How Cooper was actually surprisingly good at acting and then their flowing conversation that went on for hours. She mentioned that Cooper's brother Luke called her hot which made her feel embarrassed.

"Luke?" Emily asked

"Yes, Luke" Ellie nodded

"Why is that important enough to the story that you made her stop?" Summer asked, annoyed that the story was no continuing

"I just said his name" Emily frowned at Summer, "I think Luke is hot, okay?"

"Emily he is two years younger than you," Ellie said

"So? He's 16, I'm 18, it's not like it's illegal" She argued "It's not like anything has happened anyway, I just said he was hot, continue your story please"

Ellie went on to explain how they talked about their first kiss together and all the things they had in common. Summer and Emily looked just as confused as Ellie felt.

"So basically, we told each other we don't hate each other and he said he was sorry for the things he had done," Ellie said

"I understand your confusion" Emily nodded

"Do you like him now?" Summer asked

"I don't know, I do but I don't, What if all of the nice behaviour last night wasn't genuine?" Ellie asked, "What if I'm just being used so he can pass school and his mum will be proud of him?"

"I guess you'll never know" Emily shrugged

"I mean, I could find out? I could go talk to him" Ellie suggested

"I don't know if that's a good idea" Summer frowned "He's over there with Claire and all of her friends, it might not go down well"

"Yes, but it will also show me whether he's a genuine guy or not," Ellie said getting off her chair.

Before Summer or Emily could stop her she was walking over to Cooper who was surrounded by everyone she disliked. She was nervous but she wanted to know if he actually wanted to be friends with her or not. This would be the decider for her.

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