Chapter Nine - It's Show Time

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The night of the show came so quickly and Ellie was not nervous at all. She was very very excited. Cooper was excited to up until the night of the show. He was now a bundle of nerves and Ellie didn't know why. Everyone else did though and they had still not let Ellie in on what was happening. Ellie came to the conclusion that he was probably just nervous as this was his first show but she knew he would be fine.

During the day, they rehearsed the show fully a couple of times with customers and he was amazing. Ellie did notice he was constantly looking about him to the top of the stage but there was nothing up there.

Just before the show was about to begin, Ellie and Cooper stood together at the sidelines, behind the curtains. Cooper was more nervous than ever.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked him

"Yes, I'm fine" Cooper answer with a half-smile

Ellie knew him well enough now to know that smile was not genuine. He was not okay at all but she didn't want to ask him too many questions and freak him out before they went on stage. She walked on first and left him behind with his nerves.

The show was going extremely well and any worries Ellie had felt about Cooper went away as he was doing so well. When the final scene was approaching, Ellie felt a little nervous as she would need to kiss him.

Cooper's nerves were for a different reason. He knew everyone was in their positions backstage but knew Ellie knew something was wrong. He watched her as she began the final scene, he would need to be on stage in a few minutes and the show would be over, finally, he could stop worrying. Cooper's phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a text from Summer.

*We left for like one second and Claire's friend, Mellissa is at the top of the stage, Claire's plan is going to work if you don't move Ellie now*

Cooper made his way to the side of the stage and looked up. He could see Melissa ready to tip the bucket all over Ellie. Without thinking, he ran onto the stage and grabbed Ellie out of the way. Staying in character he dipped her down and kissed her. The audience gasped as a bucket of what looked like cat food hit the stage and splattered everywhere. There was a loud slam of a door which Cooper assumed was Melissa making her escape. The curtain dropped quickly.

"What is that? Who did this?" Ellie asked looking above us to see nothing but darkness

"Ellie!" Summer called running on to the stage

"Oh I'm so glad you're okay," Emily said following her

"What happened?" Ellie asked

"Claire set this up, El, she was trying to embarrass you and ruin the show" Summer explained

"And you all knew?" Ellie asked

Everyone nodded not sure how Ellie would react.

"So why didn't anyone tell me?" Ellie asked

"We didn't want you to worry about it" Cooper said

"Is she okay?" Jordan asked joining them all on the stage

"Why are you helping? You hate me" Ellie asked

"I couldn't let you get humiliated," Jordan said

"What have I done now to deserve this?" Ellie frowned

"She found out about our friendship and she said if I did this then she wouldn't tell anyone but if I don't then she is going to make the rest of your time in school a living hell" Cooper explained

"That's not fair, Either way, it's shit" Ellie huffed

"We're not going to let anything happen to you Ellie, don't worry," Emily said putting her arm around Ellies shoulder

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