Chapter Two - Helping a Bully

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The only thought in Ellie's head was 'shit, shit, shit'. Ellie couldn't understand why he wanted to be in drama class when he makes a fool out of people who are in the class. She was confused and angry that this was happening. Mostly confused though. She didn't mean to be dramatic but why did he have to ruin everything for her.

Cooper sat down in the class without a word and the teacher continued the class discussion about the show. Ellie wasn't listening to the teacher anymore and she knew Cooper wasn't either. He sat there looking smug and acting like he was better than everyone in the classroom. Ellie's blood was boiling, she couldn't think of one single reason why he was here and it bothered her a lot. This was the one place she could be comfortable and he strolls in and ruins it all. Could he even act? Did he like drama? Was he here to ruin everything for everyone? Why would he waste his time doing that? A million thoughts ran through Ellie's head until she was taken out of her thoughts by the bell. Was the period over already?

Ellie looked at Cooper one last time and he was staring right back at her. She rolled her eyes at him and he walked out of the classroom with a smirk on his face. Ellie waited until everyone had left the room before approaching the teacher.

"May I ask why Cooper has joined the class?" Ellie asked as nicely as she could even though she was mad.

"I was going to discuss this with you, Ellie" Miss Smith said giving her a small smile, "His mother thinks this will help him be more creative and stop him misbehaving at school, she says he has always enjoyed acting but he doesn't want to do it as he knows his friends will make a fool of him. However, she is forcing him to"

"So why did you need to discuss this with me?" Ellie asked with hesitation

"I want you to help him with lines and such, he will need it," Miss Smith said not picking up on Ellie's uncomfortable tone

"No, I'm sorry I can't don't do that" Ellie stated, shaking her head profusely

"Yes, you can, you are the best student in the class and as most English students will be studying it this year, we are going to do a production of Romeo and Juliet" Miss Smith explained

"Really? Romeo and Juliet?" Ellie asked

"I know it's overdone but I've found a more modern version and I would really like him to pay Romeo, it might get him into this a bit more, break him into the class" Miss Smith stated

Ellie argued her case that the other boys in the class worked so hard and Miss Smith was just going to hand Cooper the main male role. She was trying to find excuses to get out of helping him and not having him be the star as this would probably boost his ego even more.

Ellie was really getting nowhere in trying to convince Miss Smith that she wasn't helping Cooper so she gave up.

"I need to go home" Ellie sighed

"Oh, Ellie you will be playing Juliet" Miss Smith added "It will be easier for you to help him that way"

Ellie wanted to scream at her. She didn't want to spend any of her spare time with him. It was bad enough that she had to see him at school every day. She hoped that he would refuse the help as he wouldn't want to be seen with Ellie and that meant she wouldn't have to help him. Ellie was, of course, a good student so she felt a little nervous about being defiant towards a teacher's orders. The only way she could convince herself to do this would be to do it for the class. She didn't want the show to go badly and she wanted a good grade for her final year in her drama class. She wasn't going to fail because of Cooper Green.

Jordan was waiting at Ellie's car looking very agitated.

"What took you so long?" He asked slamming the car door shut

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