Chapter Twenty Two - Broken Boats and Lighthouses

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As the days passed, Ellie pushed the idea of moving away to California for university to the back of her mind until she got the letter telling her whether she had a place there or not. Until then, she decided to go about her day, not stressing herself out. She needed to get herself prepared for this date Cooper was taking her on. She wasn't nervous like she was for the first one but this time she was slightly worried due to him telling her they would be breaking the rules. Ellie had no idea what he meant by that but she just hoped she wouldn't be breaking the law. With Cooper, she never knew.

Ellie dressed as she normally would but with a jacket due to it being quite a cool day. At six o'clock when Cooper was picking her up, she was running slightly late so Jordan let him in for a bit. Which turned out to be a bad plan as when Ellie returned downstairs her dad was chatting with him and Jordan was cringing.

"Ah Ellie, why didn't you tell me you were going on a date?" He asked

Ellie looked at Jordan who mouthed Sorry. She then looked at Cooper who was looking extremely uncomfortable. What did her dad say to him?

"Dad" Ellie sighed "I was going to tell you but..."

"Don't worry Ellie, you're eighteen, you're allowed to date" He said shocking her a little

"Really? You're not mad or anything?" Ellie asked

"No, i've just let Cooper know what will happen if he hurts my daughter" He smiled

"Dad, what did you say?" Ellie asked

"It doesn't matter, now run along and have fun" He said "But remember what i said son" he added pointing at Cooper

"I'm so sorry Cooper" Ellie sighed as they got into his car and drove off

"It's fine" He smiled "Although I see your dad in a totally different way now, he is a little intimidating"

"What did he say?" Ellie asked

"He told me he would kill me if i hurt you in anyway" He said "Oh and I'm not allowed to kiss you or touch you"

"I guess what he doesn't know wont hurt him then" Ellie shrugged making him grin

"I like what i hear" He smiled

"Anyway, is it going to take long to get to where we are going?" Ellie asked

"Nope, we'll be there in ten minutes" He said

"And we aren't going to be breaking any laws?" Ellie asked

"I don't think so, I'm sure it's not against the law, i hope" He said "Don't worry"

"You know I'm going to worry right?" Ellie said

"Yepp" He smiled keeping his eyes to the road

It didn't take them ten minutes to get to where they were going, it actually took thirty. Cooper parked up and it took them another ten minutes to walk to where they were going. They got to the end of a street next to the sea. There was a light house that stood at the very end of the path which had a small fence around it. The scene was pretty but Ellie had no idea what they would be doing here.

"So what are we doing here?" Ellie asked as they approached the fence that circled the lighthouse

"We're going up there" Cooper said beginning to climb over the fence

"And this is us breaking the rules?" Ellie asked following him

"I guess, I mean we could be allowed" He said

"With that do not enter, I'm going to take a guess and say no, we aren't allowed" Ellie said

"Well we just won't get caught" He added

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