Chapter Twenty Seven - Last Day Of School

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After the excitement of Ellie's trip to UCLA had died down it was back to focusing on studying and finishing school. The last official day of school came quicker than everyone had all hoped and it was actually pretty sad for the people who were leaving. Luke, Frankie and Jordan still had some time left in school so this didn't affect them at all. For the rest of the group, however, they were feeling pretty sad about leaving the place and only returning for exams.

The students who were leaving didn't go to class for the full day and they just walked around the school all day. They wrote messages on each others shirts and took pictures and lots of stupid things. It was nice to reflect on the whole school experience and remember all the good times throughout the years and pushing away all the bad shit, especially for Ellie.

When Ellie thought about it, high school had a big part in shaping who she was today. Through bullying for basically the whole time she was in school, meeting new friends and actually getting a boyfriend, she had changed dramatically and she never realised it until now.

At lunch in the cafeteria, Summer, Ellie and Emily were approached by Claire and her group of followers who were still there, by her side after all these years.

"Can we help you with something?" Summer asked smirking at the girl with the bruised lip

"We just wanted say good luck for life out of school" Claire said

"And why would you of all people want to say that to us?" Emily asked

"Because you are all shit so you're going to need the luck" She smirked finding her insult funny

"Couldn't resist a final dig at us before we left could you?" Ellie asked

"Oh she speaks" Claire said

"What are you doing with your life Claire?" Ellie asked

"I'm going to college to study beauty" She said

"I wish you luck with that because if you're this much of a bitch to everyone at college, you're going to need some luck in finding someone to like you" Ellie said

She didn't have too much else to say to them so she walked away. That was their final altercations with Claire. Ellie managed to slip away from her friends at lunch to go talk with her favourite teacher. He was a young teacher but he had taught her every year she had been at this school and he had become the person she went to talk to when Claire did something to her. The school did have guidance counsellors but they always annoyed Ellie. He was like a friend more than a teacher and she would definitely miss him when she left here. She got a chance to tell him about UCLA and he was ecstatic for her. He always told her she would do well. He eventually had to get back to teaching a class and as Ellie left his class, she bumped into Cooper in the hallway.

"I thought i would find you there" He said

"Did you now?" Ellie said as they began to walk to her locker

"Yeah, you're still a teachers pet" He laughed

"He is a really good teacher" Ellie argued

"I know I'm joking, i like him to" He said "He helped me pass politics"

"Really? I didn't know you did politics" Ellie said

"Yeah, i did it to fill up my timetable and i was struggling, he really helped me out" He said

"He's my favourite" Ellie said

Once Ellie reached her locker, she felt a little sad. She was emptying her locker, this was the last time she would ever use it.

"I like where your locker is placed" Cooper said

"Next to the boys bathroom, I've always hated it" Ellie laughed

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