Chapter Fifteen - The Storm

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After Ellie's birthday party, she felt like she was a different person. Her friendship circle seemed to have branched out quite a bit. The people that were invited to the party sat with her in classes and made conversation with her in the hall. After the kiss with Cooper in the closet, she thought things might have gotten a bit awkward between them but it wasn't. They just acted the exact same only with a little bit more flirting. They hadn't said anything about liking each other but everyone made comments on it all the time. They now spent a lot of their time together.

Although Ellie was happy about where everything was going, she was also a bit anxious. She had never felt this way about someone before it was all brand new to her. She knew that Cooper had been with countless girls or at least that is what she had heard. He was way more experienced than her in every aspect of a relationship. Ellie had this all running through her head as she was stuck in the house.

The weather had been ridiculously terrible over the past couple of weeks. The weatherman had classed it as dangerous and only to go out when essential. The wind was so strong and it felt like it hadn't stopped raining, ever. Ellie had only seen her friends at school and had been spending the past couple of weekends indoors. It was the weekend again and the weather had gone completely out of control. It was around five o'clock and Ellie was home alone. There was a massive thunderstorm and she was terrified. Her dad and Alison were at Alison's house having a dinner date so they wouldn't be home tonight. Jordan was over at Luke and Cooper's house so he wouldn't be home until the storm calmed a bit.

The only good thing about the weather was the rain. Ellie's room used to be the attic in the house but they needed an extra room before Ellie got too old to share with Jordan so her dad converted it to a bedroom for her. The window stuck out a bit and Ellie had covered it in cushions and blanket so it was like a little seating area. Ellie liked to sit there and read and watch the rain, she found it very relaxing. It was relaxing until the thunder and lightning started and it got really dark. Her lamp and fairy lights were not doing the trick for her anymore and she was a little scared. It got even worse when she heard a knock at her door, who was out in this destructive weather. Her first irrational thought, A murderer.

Ellie grabbed the first thing she could see which was one of the heels she wore to her party. She made her way downstairs turning all the lights on. She could see a shadow at the door, they didn't look big, bulky or muscular so she reckoned she could take them if needed. She opened the door slowly but it was pushed open and the person walked into the house.

"A shoe really?"

"Cooper, you scared the shit out of me," Ellie said letting out a sigh of relief

"I'm sorry" He giggled

"What are you doing here?" Ellie asked "It's very dangerous weather outside, it's not safe to drive"

"You're lonely though" he said "I can go?"

"No don't" Ellie said grabbing his arm

There was a strike of lightning and all the lights in the house went out.

"Definitely don't go" Ellie said gripping his arm tighter

"I won't, it's okay," Cooper said locking the front door

He took his wet jacket off and hung it up in the closet at the bottom of the stairs and took his wet shoes off.

"Why are we just standing here?" Cooper asked

"I'm too scared to walk upstairs, It's dark" Ellie said

"Walk behind me then" He said

"No because then I could get murdered" Ellie said moving to the bottom of the stairs

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