Chapter Twenty Three - A Visitor

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A month and a half had passed by and everyone was now aware that Ellie and Cooper were a couple. Most people were happy for them but due to the few dirty looks that Ellie received in school, it seemed not everyone was happy for them. Not that Ellie cared, she had an amazing boyfriend and she was extremely happy. It took her dad a few weeks to get used to her having a boyfriend but once he got to know Cooper, he didn't seem to bother much about it. He was too focused on his wedding anyway, which was only two weeks away. He and Alison were more than excited and the house had a cheerful atmosphere. It seemed nothing could make the family unhappy for now.

It had gotten to the point in school where courses were coming to an end and preparation for the real exams was beginning. Ellie thought it seemed weird that in around three months she would be completely done with school forever. Looking back on all her school years, her final year had definitely come to be her favourite. She had changed a lot over the years and expanded her friendship group and even got herself a boyfriend. She didn't expect any of that. Soon she would be off at university and meeting hundreds of new people and she was actually excited about that.

For now, she was going to enjoy the last couple of months with her friends and her amazing boyfriend.

"That maths test was extremely hard" Summer complained as they left the building

"It wasn't that bad and think there is no more tests left for maths, just revision" Ellie said

"Fuck the Pythagoras theorem" Emily shouted walking quickly after them

"Language" One of the teacher said walking past her

"Sorry miss" She cringed making them laugh "I hate when that happens" She added as she caught up with the other two girls

"I need to get home and revise for maths now" Summer said "Are you walking home El?"

"Yeah I just need to wait for Cooper," Ellie said "There he is now"

Ellie smiled at him walking toward them with Frankie and Luke. She knew she would never get used to the idea that he actually likes her. The school hottie is her boyfriend. Who would have guessed? Seriously.

"Hey" He smiled at Ellie as they approached

"So how did you find that maths test?" Summer asked

"Not too bad" Cooper said

"That's because you spend all your time with Ellie and she probably teaches you maths" She sighed

"Okay, you need to go home and revise and stop stressing" Ellie said

"And we need to go to yours and finish some homework" Cooper said

"Homework" Luke smirked

"Yeah make sure that homework is protected" Emily grinned

"How do you protect homework?" Ellie asked "Oh wait"

"Oh Ellie, you are too funny" Summer smiled "Go, have fun with the homework"

They walked off leaving them laughing at Ellie being slow at their sexual joke.

"You actually do need to help me with homework" Cooper said

"I know, What did you think you were coming to mine for?" Ellie asked

"So we could hang out" Cooper said

"Sure" Ellie said "If we're doing homework then you can't distract me"

"How could I distract you?" He asked

"Kissing is distracting, tickling is distracting and telling me shit jokes is most definitely distracting" Ellie said

"I can promise I won't do one of those three things" He smiled

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