Chapter Five - Real Apologies and Forgiveness

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The weekend rolled around for Ellie very quickly and she couldn't have been more delighted about this. She didn't have to kiss Cooper this whole week, Cooper was gutted as he hoped if they kissed, Ellie might feel something and at least talk to him. He never got that chance.

Ellie was exhausted after this week of school and felt like so much had happened already and they were only just starting a new school year. She was glad it was her last. Cooper had been annoying her all week, he was so desperate to apologise to her. He wanted her forgiveness but she wasn't so sure it was that big of a deal. He would remain popular and she would remain the 'loser' that his friends thought she was so why did it matter so much to him? Ellie was over the embarrassment of what had happened at school and decided to not let it bother. She knew she wouldn't be a loser when she left school and got a good job.

Ellie let this thought run through her head as she lay in bed on Saturday morning. The sun was shining through her window as she flipped through her phone. She could hear slight snoring after a while which made her look down to the floor to see her German Shepard, Popcorn, asleep on her bedroom floor. He was truly her best friend and probably her favourite family member. He came into the family four years ago when her mum left. Ellie's dad bought a puppy hoping Jordan would take a liking to him and it would help him heal and forget about their mum. It didn't work, Jordan wasn't interested at all and Ellie fell in love with him straight away so he was more her dog. Ellie loved having a dog, she always thought it was like having her best friend with her all the time. She talked to him a lot and he always knew when she was feeling down. She always thought that if he was able to talk, she would be in trouble as he knew all of her secrets.

As it approached late morning, Ellie decided to get up, get ready and take Popcorn out for a walk. It didn't take her too long to get ready and once she was, she grabbed Popcorn's lead which made him jump up at the sound of it jingling. He knew exactly what was going on and almost pulled her out the door with excitement as he did nearly every day.

Ellie approached the park which was close to her house. Popcorn was no longer on his lead anymore as he was very obedient when walking. Once they were in the park though, he ran around the grass and didn't stick by Ellie. He was trusted though. Ellie sat down on a bench and watched Popcorn run around chasing a bird, it made her smile. She jumped when she felt something sniff around her legs. She looked down to see a small white dog sniffing around her feet.

"Hector" She smiled looking at his collar

"I did not think I would see you here" she heard, making her eyes roll. Was this really happening?

Ellie didn't need to lift her head to know who it was. She stood from the bench and shouted on Popcorn who ran over to her. She attached his lead and began walking away.

"Where are you going, Ellie?" Cooper asked

"Away from you," Ellie said not turning around

"Please let me explain myself" He begged

Ellie finally looked at him and by his facial expression, he looked very serious about this. Although she had fallen for this before, she knew she was too nice to just walk off and not let him explain. She made a mental note to be meaner to people.

"What is there to explain?" Ellie asked walking over and sitting back on the bench. Cooper joined her.

"I really really really want to say sorry, I'm sorry I acted that way in the cafeteria, I'm sorry you were humiliated and I'm sorry if I made you feel like I lied to you," He said

"It doesn't change anything though, does it?" Ellie asked

"I know, I wish we could go back and I could react differently" He frowned

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