Chapter Twenty Eight - Acceptance or Rejection?

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Exams had taken over everyone's lives for a while and the group didn't see much of each other. However it was important to pass these exams and before they all separated to go study, Ellie made sure they knew that. After last time, they didn't bother her too much to help them with studying, only a tiny bit which she could handle. When she helped Cooper out, he frequently told her that he didn't really help, he just wanted to spend a day with her. She would get annoyed at him but every time he asked her to come help him, she went. She wasn't that stressed about these exams, she was well prepared and ready.

The thing she was most stressed about was any letters she received from universities. That was everyone's real stress. Summer was okay, she had her unconditional for sports for the local university, she had nothing to worry about. Whether she failed or passed her exams, she was going to university. Emily and Ellie were biting their nails waiting for their letters to arrive. Ellie still had no idea what Cooper was doing, he wanted to pursue something in business but hadn't decided where he wanted to go with that.

The morning the letter arrived was the morning of Ellie's final exam. As she was about to leave for the exam the letter dropped through the letterbox. It had come from America so she knew it had to do with UCLA. She was not mentally prepared to open it yet so she left it on the kitchen table and went for her exam, trying her hardest but failing to forget about it. The last exam was Geography which wasn't too hard, so hopefully she wouldn't fail this due to her mind being other places.

"That was easy," Emily said as they walked out of the exam hall. They waited out there for Summer.

"It was good" Ellie said

"So have you got anything from universities yet?" She asked

"Ohhh yeah, I got a letter from UCLA this morning" Ellie said

"Oh my gosh, what did it say? Did you get in?" She asked

"I haven't opened it yet" Ellie said

"Of course, you're shitting yourself, well i have my letter here" She said taking a letter from her bag

"You haven't opened it?" Ellie asked

"I wanted to wait until the exams were done" She said "Now i can" She added tearing the top of the envelope

Ellie watched as her face stayed completely serious as she read over the letter. Ellie knew that when she had a grin plastered on her face that she had got in. Emily jumped around and hugged Ellie. She couldn't stop grinning as she read over the letter again. Ellie laughed as Emily pulled out her phone to instagram her success.

"I can't believe i got in" She repeated

"Got in where?" Summer said as she left the exam hall "You opened it without me here?"

"I couldn't wait I'm sorry" Emily smiled

"It's fine, so you got in, congratulations" Summer smiled "What about you El? Heard anything?"

"My letter is at home from UCLA" Ellie said

"Well let's get to your house then" Emily said

"I don't know if i want to open it in front of everyone, what if i don't get in?" Ellie asked

"You will and we will be there to celebrate with you, come on" Summer said

On their way to Ellie's house, she could feel the nerves kicking in. Ellie was about to find out if she got into UCLA or not. If she did then she would be so happy but then she would have to say goodbye to everyone. If she didn't, she would probably cry. She had mixed emotions.

It's like everyone was waiting for her to open the letter as when the three girls got to Ellie's house her dad and Alison were standing in the kitchen with the letter sitting in the middle of the table. Ellie picked it up and ran her hands down the edges.

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