Chapter Twenty Six - A Visit And A Decision

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Pushing the idea of moving to California for university to the back of her brain wasn't the best idea Ellie had. She had received a letter from them and she was very surprised. It wasn't a letter of acceptance but they had invited her to come for an interview and a tour of the place. As she was an international student they would provide accommodation for her if she could handle getting her flight over there. When she read the letter to her dad and Alison they were over the moon and couldn't wait to book her a flight. Her dad booked two tickets for himself and Ellie and was far too excited to fly over there. It had suddenly become real for her.

Ellie had to take a few days off school but the teachers understood due to the circumstances and they congratulated her on the interview. Everyone was really happy for her and she was happy to but it was so nerve racking.

It didn't take long for the day of the flight to come and Ellie was unsettled. She was quiet for the journey to the airport and most of the time they had to wait for their flight to be called. She had a lot to think about. If she got accepted, was she emotionally ready to move away? Does she have the finances? Is she really ready to move away from her family and her best friends?

"You have been awfully quiet for the whole day Ellie, Care to share what's running through your head?" George asked

We were a few hours into our flight and Ellie assumed he was bored because she wasn't talking.

"Nothing really" Ellie lied

"Oh come on, you're quiet but never this quiet, is something bothering you?" He asked

"It's just everything is becoming real, I never expected to even get an email from UCLA never mind an interview, I'm just surprised," Ellie said

"Then why do you seem so worried?" He asked

"I don't know, I'm nervous i guess" Ellie said

"Anything else?" He asked not satisfied that she had told him everything

"What if I get in? I don't know if I'm ready to leave my family and friends and everything i know for something that may turn out to be not that fun" Ellie explained

"You are ready Ellie, I know you are, over this past year i have watched you mature so much" He said "It almost seems like you went from being a little quiet girl into a mature confident young lady over night"

"I don't feel ready," Ellie said

"I think you're just saying that, I think that you're more than ready for this you just can't stand seeing everyone sad that you'll be leaving which isn't right, think about yourself for once" He said

"Suppose you're kind of right" Ellie said

"Stop stressing out, this will be a fun father/daughter trip" He smiled "The interview will be a breeze and we can relax for a bit"

"Okay dad" Ellie smiled at him deciding to try and enjoy this trip

Ellie was actually excited when they landed after her talk with her dad. The weather was beautiful and when they arrived at the accommodation that Ellie's dad had sorted for them, they were more than happy with it. It was a beautiful hotel and it gave Ellie a chance to relax and prepare for the interview tomorrow.

Ellie and her dad went for a walk to have a look around. She instantly fell in love with the place and had begun making plans already. Her dad asked her if she could see herself living here for a few years and her instant answer was yes, she didn't have to think about it. He grinned knowing that everything he said on the flight was right. She was one hundred percent ready for university away from home if she did get in. The only real hard part would be saying goodbye to her friends and not seeing them as often as she would like. And for Cooper, she didn't know what would happen there. Would they stay together? She had no idea because do long distance relationships ever last?

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