Chapter Ten - Little Changes

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Ellie was always one of those people who did not like having all the attention on her. If she wasn't acting, she did not want anyone looking at her. The worst times were birthdays, she hated having everyone sing to her. Ellie had found herself the centre of attention and she wasn't sure how to deal with it. It had been a few weeks since the show and all eyes had been on her. Luckily for her, she had Emily and Summer and the rest of the boys to help deal with anything. Claire had talked a lot about us and a lot of lies had been spread. She was very angry that her plan had not worked and Cooper was no longer her right-hand man.

Ellie wasn't sure why Claire was so mad about this. She wasn't sure why it mattered, she was still cool. Ellie actually started to feel bad for her, what was she going to do when she finished school. She's not going to get into a university for her bullying skills. A high school reputation is not something people care about in university.

The first day the group sat together in the cafeteria confused a lot of people. It was very clear that a lot of students really cared about popularity and the school 'hierarchy'. Ellie had started to find it a little strange when people who she was sure didn't even know her name a few months ago were now saying hi to her in the corridors and sending compliments her way. Ellie realised this was probably because of Cooper.

Even though he didn't hang out with the 'cool' people anymore, girls still wanted to be with him and guys still wanted to be his friends. He didn't lose his charm and good looks just because he didn't hang out with Claire anymore. He had still managed to maintain a very popular reputation.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" Luke asked

Cooper, Emily and Ellie looked around at everyone as they walked down the hall to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I don't know, what we're doing is completely normal" Ellie giggled

The boys were currently giving the girls piggybacks to lunch. Emily had been complaining about her shoes hurting her feet so Luke jokingly offered and she took up the offer. Ellie wanted one too so Cooper let her jump on his back.

"What are you guys doing?" Summer asked as they entered the cafeteria and made their way to the table

"Living a normal life," Emily said jumping off Luke's back and sitting down

"Look how mad she looks," Jordan said

"Who?" Ellie asked

"Look at Claire" He answered

"Why is she staring over here?" Ellie asked without looking. She didn't want to stir anything up.

"Who cares," Cooper said

"She does" Summer smirked

"She does seem to be the only one that does care," Jordan said

He was right. The rest of her friends were eating their lunch and getting on with their lives. She was the only one who cared about the situation or at least that's how it looked from here.

"I'm a little anxious about it" Ellie stated

"Why?" Cooper asked

"She did say she would make my life hell, I know nothing has happened but that doesn't mean that nothing is going to happen" Ellie explained

"We won't let anything happen to you, Ellie," Luke said

"I know that, but still, you can't be everywhere," She said

"Stop worrying" Emily smiled

Ellie didn't bring it up again as she felt it was being dismissed. Ellie knew what Claire was capable of and it didn't matter that she was now surrounded by a bigger group of friends. She would find her on her own or have something planned. She stayed quiet while the rest of the group began talking about the rumour of a dance. In the middle of lunch, the headmaster came into the cafeteria and asked everyone to quieten down.

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