Chapter Three - Cooper: The Nice Guy?

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Ellie always thought that once she had an opinion of someone it was very hard to change. Especially when this opinion was a bad one. The only chance people had to change their opinion was to see a different side to the person which almost never happens. Ellie always thought she was a good judge of people. She could tell if a person had good intentions or if they were bad news. She always loved this about herself as she knew she could pick her friends carefully and avoid those who were a bad influence on her. That's probably why she only had two really good friends. She wasn't worried about her opinion of Cooper, she knew she was right.

Both Ellie and Cooper were a little nervous throughout the day about Ellie going to Cooper's home. They both had the same idea that this was going to be awkward as they were both very different people. It would end with them not speaking, in awkward silence or them arguing the whole time. Ellie was especially annoyed as Miss Smith was consistently reminding her to help Cooper out as he is a good kid at heart.

Ellie was preparing for how uncomfortable she was going to feel going into his house as it was going to be all too unfamiliar to her. She didn't know if he was going to take this seriously or not and if he wasn't, then it's a big waste of time for her. She knew it had to be done at least this once though if he took it seriously at least she can help him make this show amazing.

Jordan was not too happy that he had to walk home from school today and he texted Ellie all the abuse under the sun once she had let him know.

"Just follow my car," Cooper said walking off to his own car

Ellie climbed into her own car and watched for him leaving the car park so she could follow him. It was a good twenty-minute drive before Cooper pulled up next to a house on a very quiet estate. Ellie had a hard time keeping up with him as he drove like a crazy person. She thought this was fitting.

Her nervousness was slowly dying down as she walked up the path to the front door. It was a very nice house and when he opened the door, she was hit by the smell of something good cooking.

"I'll be a gentleman, ladies first" He smiled

"When in your life have you ever been a gentleman?" Ellie asked walking into his house

"I'm always a gentleman" He answered closing the door and walking off

Ellie followed him, unsure of what to do.

"Mum, I'm home" He stated as we walked into the kitchen.

A middle-aged woman with long brown hair lifted her head from her laptop and smiled.

"You must be Ellie, Lovely to meet you, I'm Victoria" She smiled "Hopefully you'll be able to help him out and get him back on track" She added nodding at Cooper

"Yes, Hopefully" Ellie smiled

Cooper walked out of the room so Ellie followed him, still unsure of what to do and a little uncomfortable. He opened the door to his room which was quite big. It was messy, his bed was not made and it was dark due to the curtains and blinds being closed.

Ellie didn't understand how this could be so special. This room was like every boy's room. She wasn't sure what the girls at school were expecting. A room built for a king? A sex dungeon? It was nothing extraordinary.

"Take a seat anywhere," Cooper said, jumping onto his bed.

Ellie didn't want to sit on his bed with him as she knew that would be a little awkward. She sat down on his desk chair and took out their script. She jumped straight into going over it with him and the class lingo so he knew what they were talking about when deciding on who goes where and which lights were being used.

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