Chapter Seven - Bowling, Dares And Crazy Antics

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Meeting new people would have once been a big problem for Ellie. She really hated it and as a result of this, people thought she was quiet and strange. She knew it wasn't always her own fault, some people are just mean. Meeting Cooper's friends were no problem at all. Ellie felt instantly comfortable and no matter how weird she felt she was being, it didn't matter because the boys were even weirder. She was excited to spend her weekend with the boys and Summer and Emily. In her head, she felt weird saying 'the boys' as she had never really had male friends.

"Are you excited El?" Cooper asked over the phone

Ellie yawned down the phone at him. He had woken her up at 7 am on a Saturday morning. She was confused as to why a teenage boy was awake at 7 am on a Saturday and why Cooper felt it was normal to call her at this time.

"I'm very excited, however, I can't promise I won't punch you when I see you for waking me up at 7 am on a Saturday" Ellie grumbled down the phone

"Sorry, I thought you would be the type to wake up early and go a run or something fun like that" Cooper explained

"Well clearly you know nothing about me Cooper" She stated

"I actually know more about you than you think," He said

"That doesn't sound creepy" Ellie laughed "Tell me one thing about myself"

"You have green eyes" He stated

"Something not obvious"

"Okay, I bet, right now you are lying in bed with your dog next to you," He said

Ellie paused for a second. He was right.

"How do you know that?" Ellie asked

"I'm doing the same thing" Cooper answered

"I was worried for a minute there, I'm going to check my closet for a camera" Ellie giggled

"Please Ellie, If I was going to hide a camera in your room I would hide somewhere better than the closet," He said with a hint of amusement in his voice

"Now I really need to check" Ellie laughed

"Don't worry, I've never been in your room, remember?" He said

"Ahhh correct and you never will," Ellie said

"That's not fair you've been in my bedroom, I feel like I have the right to come into yours"

"No, you do not" Ellie stated

"Why not?" Cooper huffed at her

"A girls room is a private place, it needs to be respected," She said

"Whatever you say, it's still not fair," He said

"I'm going now" Ellie yawned

"Why are you leaving me?" Cooper asked

"Because it's 7:20 am and I don't need to be awake until 10 am so I'm going to back to sleep" Ellie explained

"You're lazy, Ellie," Cooper said

"You're annoying, Cooper" She shot back

"Fair enough"

"Okay byeeee" She said

"I'll see you later Juliet, my one true love," He said dramatically

"You're a weirdo, Romeo," She said hanging up the phone on him

He laughed and put his phone on his bedside table. He couldn't stop smiling. Luke walked into his room and looked at him strangely.

"Why are you grinning, you freak?" He asked

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