Chapter Seventeen - Ellie's First Date

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Ellie had done so many plays in school but still had never felt this nervous before. She knew she shouldn't feel nervous as it was only Cooper and she already spent a lot of her time with him but this time it was different. This was a date which means they are acknowledging there were feelings between them, something more than friends. As Ellie was completely inexperienced in the whole dating scene, this made her more nervous. Nervous, but excited. When Cooper asked Ellie on a date on the night of the dance, she could have screamed in his face. She was so happy and hadn't stopped smiling since. Her dad knew something was up and kept asking her why she was smiling constantly.

When Ellie looked back, she would have never imagined going on a date with Cooper. She had started out with a strong hatred for him but over a very short period of time, it had completely vanished and had turned into her liking him. A whole lot.

Although, Cooper was an annoyance. He hadn't told Ellie anything about the date. He had just told her to be ready at 6pm on Friday night and not to dress up too much. That gave Ellie no clues about what they would be doing but she was excited. Ellie had decided it was best not to tell Summer and Emily which probably makes her a bad friend at the moment but they would greatly interfere with the date and Ellie wanted to dress and act the way she wanted to. She would tell them after of course but for now the only people who were aware were Cooper and herself and whoever Cooper had told. Ellie wasn't sure if he had told anyone either. They had the same group of friends and they are all a bit nosy.

The only thing Ellie had forgotten about was Emily and Summer's tendency to turn up unexpectedly for a visit which she usually loved but when they turned up at her door when she was in the middle of getting ready, she had to tell them.

"What are you getting ready for?" Summer said as Ellie let them walk into her room

"I didn't want to tell you, I wasn't expecting you to turn up at my house" Ellie said fixing her hair

"We would be offended but I'm sure you have a reason right?" Emily asked

"Yes" Ellie said "I'm going on a date with Cooper"

"It makes sense why she didn't tell us then, especially you" Summer giggled pointing at Emily

"Where is he taking you?" Emily asked

"I don't know, he just told me to not dress up too much" Ellie said

"I'm so happy this is finally happening" Emily smiled

"Me too" Ellie grinned

"So what are you wearing?" Summer asked

"Not sure yet, just something casual" Ellie said

"Can i help?" Emily grinned

"No, i'm going to be one hundred percent myself without any of your input" Ellie said

"Okay fair enough, do you want us to go?" Summer asked

"Not to be rude but yes" Ellie said

"It's fine, we hope you have fun tonight" Emily said

Once the girls left, Ellie began searching for her outfit. She decided on a simple flowery dress that came to just above the knee considering the weather had picked up a bit and it was something casual. She had an hour before Cooper was coming to pick her up so she chilled out in the living room for a bit hoping her dad or Alison wouldn't come home early and question her. She thought too soon.

"Ellie, you look lovely" Alison smiled coming into the living room.

Ellie had guessed she had been shopping considering the amount of bags in her hands. She was now sporting a little bump and she was very much glowing. Ellie was actually a little annoyed at them for being so irresponsible. They teach their children about safe sex and then she falls pregnant. However, Ellie could now see how happy her dad was with her so there wasn't a chance that she could stay annoyed and now she was a bit excited to have another little brother or a little sister.

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