Chapter Twenty Four - The Wedding

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Neither Ellie or her dad brought up the whole situation with her mum in front of Jordan. They didn't really bring it up between themselves either. They didn't care for her and wanted to push the situation away. After Ellie told her she didn't want contact with her, she got the idea and she didn't try to contact her after that. Cooper promised Ellie he would never mention it and he didn't. It was forgotten about.

It was time for the wedding and the house had become chaos. Ellie had met some of Alison's family and they were absolutely lovely. The girls on Alison's side that were involved in the wedding were staying at their house while her dad had booked a hotel for him and Jordan and the rest of the men who were involved in the wedding. It was nice to have the house filled with girls instead of it being male dominated.

On the day of the wedding Alison was extremely nervous. Once she was ready and was about to put her wedding dress on she called Ellie into the room. Her face was red and she was standing near the window fanning the cool air onto herself.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked shutting the room door over

"Oh Ellie" She said "I'm really nervous"

"Why are you nervous?" Ellie asked

"I'm getting married today, this is nerve racking, I have to walk down the aisle in front of all those people" She said

"Didn't you do that in your first wedding?" Ellie asked hoping not to offend her by bringing up her first marriage on the wedding day of her second

"No, it was a small wedding with just close family, this one is big, there is lots of people" She said

"I know but it will be fine, you're getting married to the man you love, forget about everything else" Ellie said

"Look at you helping me out on my wedding day" She smiled "I promise I'll help you when your sweating and nervous on your wedding day" She added with a chuckle

"I appreciate that" Ellie smiled "Do you want me to help you put your dress on?"

"If you wouldn't mind" She said

She got up and slid the dress up her body. It wasn't anything huge. It was body con and ivory. Simple but absolutely stunning. Ellie began tying the ribbon at the back of it to complete her full look.

"You look beautiful Ellie" She smiled

"Thank you" Ellie smiled "But you look breathtaking, my dad is just going to be speechless when he sees you"

"I love him a lot" She said

"I do too" Ellie said "And i know he loves you so much, I'm glad he loves someone like you"

"I'm glad you like me" Alison smiled

"Lucky for me, you weren't a bad person, i was so nervous to meet you at first, i thought you would be some evil woman who would take my dad away from me" Ellie explained

"And now look at us, you're one of my bridesmaids and you're tying up my dress for me" She said

"Time has flown by" Ellie said as she finished off the ribbons on her dress

"Now that's it, it's finished, how do i look?" She asked turning to face Ellie

"Gorgeous" Ellie smiled

"We should probably leave now, time is ticking" She said

"I'll leave you to get your shoes on" Ellie said walking off to find her own shoes

The bridesmaids and the hairdressers and the make up artists were all lined up at the bottom of the stairs when Ellie walked down. They were waiting patiently to see the finished look and Ellie knew they would love it. When Alison walked down stairs everyone gasped and her mother shed a few tears. When her father arrived to go into the wedding car with her he had the biggest smile on his face. It was a sweet moment to watch.

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