Chapter Sixteen - The Dance Curse

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The whole week in school before the dance, there was a big count down in the reception. People were really excited about the dance which Ellie was slightly confused about. It wasn't a prom which was more important right? She was still determined to have nothing happen to her when she got there. Cooper assured her that he would be with her all night so nothing bad could possibly happen. Ellie felt slightly less worried with Cooper around but still, her luck was not good.

Ellie was beginning to dislike herself for being so anxious all the time. She always thought she needed to have people around her to make sure she was okay. She was tired of being a victim and wanted to change. No more worrying about what is going to happen to her. No more making sure she always had someone with her so if she was confronted by a bully, there was someone there to stick up for her. She wanted to grow up.

When the day of the dance came, Summer, Emily and Ellie were at Emily's house getting ready for the dance. The boys would be picking them up for there later as they had hired a minibus to fit everyone in. The girls were currently just chilling out as they had an hour before they really needed to get ready.

"What's on your mind, Ellie?" Emily asked

"Just stuff" Ellie answered

"Bet she's thinking about Cooper naked" Summer giggled

"Shut up" Ellie snapped

"What's wrong?" Summer asked

"Don't you guys think I'm annoying?" Ellie asked

"No why would we?" Emily asked

"I'm just so dependent on everyone and I always look for people to back me up, why can't i just be more independent?" Ellie said

"We don't think you're annoying El, we love you and yeah at times you are dependant on others but that's okay, we have your back, it's completely understandable" Summer said

"What brought this up?" Emily asked

"I don't know it was just on my mind, I need to change the way i am, I need to grow up and stop depending so much on other people," Ellie said

"Wow, she's growing up" Summer smiled

"But we're still always going to have your back" Emily said "I love you girls"

"Aw I love you too" Summer said bringing us all into a big hug

"What do you think it will be like in a few months when we all go our separate ways?" Ellie asked

"No, I don't want to think about that right now, let's start getting ready" Emily said

The girls began the long process of making themselves feel beautiful. It took a couple of hours but by the end of it, they all looked beautiful.

The boys arrived half an hour before they needed to leave because Emily's mum wanted to take pictures of everyone. Emily and Summer made their way downstairs while Ellie put on some finishing touches. Ellie was beginning to wonder if she had made the right decision about her dress. It was short and she wasn't sure if her legs looked okay in it.

"Would you hurry up?" Cooper said stumbling in the door to Emily's room "Woooow"

"What? what's wrong?" Ellie asked

"Ellie, you look amazing" He smiled

"I don't know" Ellie shrugged messing with her hair

"How do you not see it?" He asked "Stop messing with your hair it's perfect" he said while moving her hands away from her head

"Isn't the dress a bit short?" Ellie asked

"Why are you so insecure right now? You look so beautiful, you can't argue because I'm right" Cooper said

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