Chapter Nineteen - Unexpected Calls

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Once Ellie had told Summer and Emily about what had happened at the party, they were mad at Matt and wanted to bash him but they also thought what Cooper did was super cute. Once the word had gotten around of what Matt had done or more what he tried to do and he got a lot of shit for it and Cooper came out the hero. Cooper and Ellie had started acting like a couple although they weren't really there yet. Cooper had promised another date soon but he told Ellie he had to give him time to plan because he wanted it to be perfect. Everything was going pretty much perfect. Until today that is, when a whole load of unexpected things happened for Ellie, putting more stress on her life.

Ellie could tell today wasn't going to be that good because she woke up with a pain in her stomach. She felt a sense of worry like something bad was going to happen and she didn't like it. Also, that time of the month had come, making her feel rage. It was just Ellie in the house who was feeling this way because her dad, Jordan and Alison were all gleaming this morning which is unusual. Ellie felt like everyone felt the complete opposite from her today. She didn't eat much of the cooked breakfast her dad made and popped two painkillers before she headed out for school. Jordan didn't say much knowing Ellie wasn't feeling well and not exactly up for talking.

In Ellie's bad mood, everyone seemed abnormally happy. Good things were happening to all those around her. Summer had won a football medal and Luke got an A for his English paper but she couldn't bring herself to be happy for them. It became even worse when Emily made a comment making the boys catch on and start making jokes. Every time Ellie saw them they would shout 'bloody hell' or make some crappy period joke that Ellie didn't need to hear.

"How are you feeling Ellie?" Cooper asked during drama class. They had theory work to do and the teacher had left them in the class to do so.

"Shit but I have a bad feeling today," Ellie said

"Like what?" he asked "Is it because know" He added awkwardly

"No" Ellie blushed "I just feel stressed, like something bad is going to happen and I don't like it because I'm usually right"

"I'm sure everything will be fine" He smiled

"I hope so," Ellie said

During our work, they were interrupted by the teacher coming back into the room and calling Ellie's name

"There is a call for you at the office," She said

Ellie made her way to the office, beginning to worry. If it wasn't something serious then whoever it was would have called her phone. She held the receiver to her ear to hear her dad's voice. He was rambling on.

"Dad slow down, what's wrong?" Elie asked

"Alison is in hospital," He said

"Why? What happened?" Ellie panicked instantly thinking of the baby

"I don't know Ellie but there was blood and that shouldn't happen," He said

"Well can I come to see her? I want to know what's going on" Ellie asked

"That's why I called, I know you have been quite into helping her with the baby," He said

"I'll come up right away" Ellie said

Ellie spoke with the teachers who completely understood and let her go. She drove straight to the hospital and made her way to where the nurses directed me to. When she came upon the room she was supposed to, she pushed open the door to find her dad sitting on the chair next to Alison who was on the bed. Her cheeks glistened with tears as she looked up at Ellie.

"What happened?" Ellie asked warily

"Bad news" George said

"Ellie, I miscarried" Alison said letting another tear fall down her cheek

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