Chapter Eleven - Awkward Questions And Discovering More

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Ellie loved school, minus the bullies and the few annoying teachers that excites, she loved it. She loved to learn. She knew there were people in the world who couldn't afford education and she knew she was blessed. She wasn't a full nerd thought and was very much looking forward to the long weekend that was coming up. No classwork, no tests and no Claire for four days straight. George thought it might be a good idea to meet his new 'friend' Alison this weekend. Once Jordan knew about her, he was completely fine with it, which their dad was surprised about.

Alison was coming for an early lunch to meet Ellie and Jordan and then they had plans later with their group of friends to go for dinner. Their dad was nervous for them to meet her. He was running around like a headless chicken making sure lunch was perfect and the house was clean. Ellie watched in amusement.

Ellie and Jordan were on the couch with Popcorn when she arrived. Their dad ran to the door to let her in. Ellie got up first to go introduce herself. She walked into the hall to be greeted by a middle-aged woman. She stood about 5'7 with short blonde hair, a very pretty woman.

"Hi, I'm Ellie" Ellie smiled at her

"Nice to meet you, Ellie, I'm Alison" She smiled back

"I can take your coat if you like?" Ellie asked

"Thank you," She said handing to her

Ellie took the coat to the closet where her dad was standing with an apron on and a wooden spoon.

"What do you think?" He whispered

"On the outside, you're punching dad" Ellie giggled

"I think you'll really like her, please take her to the dining room," He asked handing her a bottle of wine

"Only if I can have one to" Ellie smiled shaking the bottle

"You are driving later" He stated

"No, Cooper is picking me and Jordan up," Ellie said

"Fine, one class" He gave in

"Thank you" Ellie grinned approaching Alison

Ellie took the bottle of wine to the dining room where Jordan was sitting with Alison at the table. They were chatting away which made Ellie smile. She sat across from Jordan and listened to their conversation before she was involved.

"So Ellie, your dad tells me you are very interested in acting?" She asked

"Yes, I absolutely adore it" Ellie smiled

"It would be great to come to see one of your shows" She suggested

"Absolutely, the more the merrier" Ellie said

Their dad came into the dining room with a bowl of salad and a bowl of pasta for lunch. They got to know more about Alison as they ate. They found out she was originally from Sydney where all her family still are at the moment. She was in a similar situation where her partner had left her. She doesn't have any children and she moved away from Sydney on her own for a job. She was a primary school teacher at the school Jordan and Ellie had gone to as kids.

"Cooper just texted me," Jordan said "He is here to pick us up"

"Dad, are we okay to go?" Ellie asked

"Please wash the dishes first" George smiled

She sighed and made her way to the kitchen. She smiled because it seemed her dad was too loved up to function considering he left the kitchen tap, the oven and the radio on. Ellie turned the oven off and began to wash the dishes while singing along to the radio.

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