Chapter Eighteen - The High School Party

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After the date, Emily and Summer wanted to know everything but Ellie held back most of the details and what they had talked about as it was very personal stuff. Emily and Summer knew Ellie was holding back but she refused to tell them anymore than just a few tiny details. The group wouldn't stop teasing Ellie and Cooper once they found out about the date and when Jordan told his dad, Ellie wanted to slap him silly.

Their dad has been really over protective of Ellie since she is his only daughter. He seems really laid back but in reality, when it comes to boys, he becomes this ridiculously protective person. When Ellie has boys who are friends, it's completely okay but whenever he thinks it is becoming something else he becomes a bit crazy. Ellie guessed he just doesn't want her to get hurt. He doesn't even really need to worry right now because She had only been on one date with Cooper. It's just one date and yes there is going to be a second but it's not like he was her boyfriend.

The only thing she had to worry about is if she and Cooper do become a couple, what if her dad finds out Cooper had tormented her all those years before? He's not going to be accepting of that. Hopefully he would see Cooper has changed.

That was the least of Ellie's worries at the moment. She had been invited to a house party and she wasn't sure what was going on. She wasn't too much of a bully victim anymore but she wasn't cool, she was still a nerd and had never been to a proper high school party. She knew this one would be different from her birthday party. There was going to be hundreds of people from different schools that she didn't know. There will be far too much alcohol, possibly drugs and sex with random people. Not really Ellie's scene.

No matter how many times Ellie said she wasn't going to the party, she still found herself at Summer's house getting ready. The group didn't talk to her about anything else but the party until she gave in and said she was going. She thought she would be fine with the fact that there was a big group of them going but actually there wasn't. It was only Summer, Cooper, Luke and Ellie. However Ellie didn't know this until she turned up at Summers house and she was half ready. Ellie asked why she wasn't allowed to not go but everyone else was allowed to drop out. Summers answer was that she didn't want to be the only girl in our group going.

"Can't believe you guys are making me come here" Ellie complained in the taxi on the way here

"Lighten up Ellie, it's a party" Luke smiled

"You don't even know half the people that are going" Ellie said

"So what? All house parties are like that" Summer stated

"I doubt anyone bad will be there" Cooper said "Don't worry"

The party didn't look too bad when they arrived but Ellie instantly regretted thinking that when they got inside. The place was far too cramped and sweaty and people were dancing way too close for comfort. The kitchen was packed with alcohol and people were already ridiculously drunk and it was only 9 pm.

"Here you go El," Cooper said handing Ellie a cup

"Whats this?" Ellie asked

"Vodka and Coke, you like that right?" He asked

"Yeah, I don't want to drink loads okay," Ellie said "I don't want to stay for too long"

"If you feel uncomfortable we can go now?" He said

"No..I'm fine" Ellie said. Ellie didn't want to ruin everyone else's fun

"I'll stick with you all night" Cooper said

"Okay" Ellie sighed in relief

Cooper stuck to that promise. They had been there for a few hours and they chatted to a few people they knew but didn't do anything too crazy. This is the craziest party Ellie had actually been too and she was a little intimidated. People drinking and smoking she could handle but when she heard people were doing drugs upstairs, she made herself a promise never to even go near the stairs.

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