Chapter Twelve - Bullies

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A bully is a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

The one thing Ellie hated more than anything in the world was bullying. Ellie always thought those who haven't experienced bullying were the luckiest people in the world. She had experienced all types of bullying, all coming from Claire.

It started in Primary School where Claire has begun to pull Ellie's hair and trip her up in the ground. Ellie thought the best way to deal with it would be to tell the teachers then, nothing happened so she stopped that after a while. As they progressed through school, verbal bullying began. As they began to learn new words and get older, any new cuss word Claire would learn, she would use that against Ellie. No one did anything, as Ellie had no proof. Going into High School, the cyberbullying began. Everyone got a phone, Facebook and Twitter so it became a lot easier for Ellie to be a target even when she wasn't around. Now, Claire used everything she could against Ellie and it made Ellie glad it was her last year of school.

"Hey, you!!" Cooper shouted through the halls at Ellie making everyone look at him

"Keep your voice down, it's too early," Ellie said closing her locker

"It's lunchtime, Wake up," Cooper said flicking Ellie on the head

"Leave me alone" She huffed as they made their way to the cafeteria.

As they made their way to the cafeteria, they watched Claire push over a year 7 and laugh. She walked past Ellie and Cooper and winked at them.

"Bullying year 7's, mature" Ellie said, making her way over to the girl and helping her up as no one was even considering it.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked

"Yeah," The girl said quietly, not making eye contact with Ellie

She was looking over Ellie's shoulder. Ellie turned to see Cooper walking over to them. He stood behind Ellie and smiled at the girl. The girl blushed and looked down again.

"Anyway, I'm Ellie" Ellie smiled "Don't take notice of that girl"

"I'm Michelle and I have to go," she said scuttling away

"It seems that someone may have a crush on you" Ellie giggled

"Who doesn't?" Cooper said

"Me, I don't," Ellie said

"Oh come on Ellie, you know you want this"

"Yes, of course, Cooper, my body craves your touch," Ellie said

"I sense sarcasm" Cooper frowned

"You would be correct" Ellie grinned

Lunch went by too quickly for Ellie's liking. Although, she had two free periods at the end of the day so she took herself to the library to catch on some work. Before this, she stopped at the toilet. While Ellie was washing her hands, Claire walked in with her friend Melissa. Ellie tried to walk past her but she pushed Ellie back.

"Look it's smelly Ellie" Claire grinned

Ellie had a newfound confidence and smiled at Claire. Smelly Ellie, Really? She thought. They aren't five anymore. The smile on Ellie's face made Claire really mad.

"You think you're cool now right? With Cooper as your new best friend" Claire said

"And you think you're cool but you're really just a bully," Ellie said feeling braver than usual

Claire's face went bright red with rage, she pushed Ellie in the toilet wall and came close to her face.

"You better watch out, Ellie. You don't know what's coming your way and this time, I'm sticking to my word" Claire said

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