Chapter Twenty Five - Lets Talk About Sex Baby

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Ellie was awoken early the next morning by a phone call from Emily asking her what time she and Summer should come over. Ellie told her to come over whenever they wanted and attempted to go back to sleep. That was not working though so she made her way downstairs and began making breakfast.

"Good morning" Jordan said entering the kitchen

"It's not past noon yet, what are you doing out of bed?" Ellie asked

"I smelled bacon" He shrugged

"Lucky i made some for both of us then" Ellie said

Once Ellie had served breakfast for them both, they sat at the table. Jordan Didn't talk much, he just played on his phone.

"So I won't tell dad that Cooper is staying over" He said

"What? How did you know that?" Ellie asked

"I heard you and him talking, don't worry I won't tell dad and I'll be gone anyway, I'm going out with the boys" He said

"Oh, well thanks" Ellie said

"Just make sure he wraps it up yeah? Dad will flip his shit if you get pregnant" Jordan said

"What? We're not going to be doing that" Ellie blushed.

"Okay then" He said "I don't believe you"

"Why not?" Ellie asked

"Because you really like him and he really likes you and you're going to be alone for a whole night, no interruptions" Jordan stated

"I don't feel comfortable talking about this to my little brother" Ellie said

"Why? I've done it, it's not a big deal" He said

Ellie was very uncomfortable. Her little brother has had sex before she had. This is weird.

"We won't talk about it anymore, all you need to know is dad wont find out" He said putting his plate in the sink and walking out the kitchen

Later on in the day the boys arrived way before the girls did. They greeted Ellie and went off upstairs with Jordan to start their night of shouting at fifa and drinking beer and being disgusting because the girls weren't around. As Cooper walked by Ellie to go upstairs he leaned in and kissed her hard and whispered 'I can't wait for tomorrow night' and then jogged upstairs leaving Ellie blushing and slightly flustered.

When the girls arrived, they set up the living room to do them for the night. They all picked a sofa each for their bed and laid covers out everywhere. They got pizza and chocolate and set up Netflix for something in the background and to drown out the sound of the boys upstairs who were swearing and shouting at the TV.

"So Ellie, is Cooper staying at any point when your dad and Alison are gone?" Summer asked

"He might be, why do you ask?" Ellie asked

"You could do it you know" Emily said "Empty house, no parents"

"I don't know" Ellie said

"Oh come on, it's not a bad thing," Summer said

"Yeah, what have you done anyway?" Emily asked

"We have kissed" Ellie said

"And that's it?" She asked

"Yes" Ellie said

"How are you not sexually frustrated?" Summer said

"You have really only just kissed like no touching or anything?" Emily asked

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