Chapter Twenty - Energy Drinks, Headaches and Tests

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Ellie and Jordan didn't tell any of their friends about their mother calling them and wanting some sort of custody of them. They wanted to forget about it and hope nothing would come of it because they didn't want to see her. No one suspected that anything had happened because they made it seem like it hadn't. Usually, Ellie would tell the girls everything but this was one of these things that just had to be kept as a family only piece of information. They had to put their mothers call to the back of their mind as they had other worries right now because it was that time of the year again. Yes, it was mock exam time.

Ellie had always hated the concept of mock exams because in the end she always bettered her grade in her actual exam so really they didn't have a point. It was just unnecessary stress half way through her school work. It's so easy to tell when exams are coming up in school. Almost everyone is walking around with tired eyes and they all just look so stressed out. Heck even Emily had messy hair during the school days meaning exams were her first priority and not her hair.

Late nights and excessive drinking of energy drinks was a favourite strategy amongst the group of friends to help keep them awake and keep their minds flowing. It was around this time of the year Ellie began to get annoyed at absolutely everyone and everything. People were still making plans to go out and get drunk and that annoyed her so much that she just wanted to slap some sense into them all. She knew she sounded like some old woman but shouldn't they be studying and preparing? Even if it is just mock exams, doesn't it annoy them if they fail?

Two weeks before Ellie's first exam it seemed everyone needed her help and being the nice person she was, she helped them. Summer needed some serious help with geography which is something Ellie wasn't too bad at so she helped her out with that. Cooper needed help learning essays for drama so of course she helped him out with that. It had become pretty ridiculous as it came to a point where the group were asking Ellie for help in subjects that she didn't even do. Her head was bursting and the days were counting down to her first exam which should be her first priority but she always helped them out instead of studying for herself. Ellie was ready to implode.

As Ellie sat down at her desk to study, her phone went off about five times. All text messages from the group asking her questions about the things she was helping them study with. She read them all and then turned her phone off. She really needed to study without any distractions.

"Ellie" Jordan said knocking her bedroom door and coming into the room

"What" Ellie groaned putting her pen down on the table

"Cooper and Luke want to talk to you" He said "They are waiting in the living room"

"Oh my God" Ellie said angrily before making her way downstairs to find them

"What do you need now?" Ellie groaned

"I need you to check this paragraph in my drama essay" Cooper said

"Can't you get the teacher to do that?" Ellie asked

"Yeah but you've been a great help" He said

"And you Luke?" Ellie asked

"Well, there are these math equations that I don't understand and I know they will be in the exam so could you help me?" He asked

"I'm not even in your maths class" Ellie said

"Yeah but you are in a higher level of maths than me, so you can definitely help" He stated

"But help me first" Cooper said

"What? No, mines is more difficult than yours" Luke said

"Guys shut up" Ellie said "All you guys and everyone else have been doing for the past few weeks is asking me to help you study, are you all stupid or incapable of doing it yourselves? No, so just leave me alone and do your own fucking work before i rip the hair out of my head"

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