Chapter Fourteen - It's Party Time

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One thing Ellie had always done on her birthday was wake up really with her mum and get as much birthday money together so they could go shopping before Jordan or dad had even woken up. Her dad would always tell them off for spending all the money at once but he would lighten up and make everyone breakfast. Ellie had remembered them as some of the happier memories she had of her birthday. Once her mum had left, it didn't feel the same waking up. However today, she woke up in a totally different mood. Now she knew the reason her mother had left, any feeling of missing her had gone.

Ellie struggled to get out of bed. She didn't want to get out of bed knowing that everyone was going to make a big deal out of her turning eighteen. Except for Jordan, she knew the only reason he had remembered her birthday was because of the party. Ellie had received many texts from everyone wishing her a happy birthday. It was noon before she decided to climb out of bed. She knew by now her dad would be at work and Alison would be out shopping.

She made herself pancakes and opened the cards left on the table for her. Her dad and Alison had given her $150 and she got various amounts of money from other family members. She wasn't expecting to receive so much and it made her smile.

"Good morning sis," Jordan said walking into the kitchen

"Morning" Ellie smiled tucking into her pancakes

"Happy birthday, Are you as excited about tonight as I am?" He asked

"Don't know if I'm there yet" Ellie laughed

On the inside, she was a little nervous. Parties had never really been her thing, not that she was invited to many. She always heard stories about people making bad decisions and ending up in A&E or worse, in some random person's bed. Ellie then decided she needed to lighten up, it was her birthday after all. This party wasn't going to be like that, it was her best friends who were sorting it out and they knew what kind of person she was.

Later in the day, Summer and Emily came round to Ellie's house with their presents. They had decided to get ready at Ellie's house and get a taxi over to Coopers where the party would be held. Their gifts were amazing. Summer had bought Ellie her favourite perfume and Emily got her a pair of shoes to wear tonight. When it hit around four in the afternoon, the girls decided it was time to get ready.

"Ellie" Summer said knocking on the bathroom door

Ellie was in the middle of shaving her legs with a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair was dripping wet as she had just come out of the shower.

"What?" Ellie said opening the bathroom door

Summer began to laugh and moved out of Ellie's way to reveal Cooper and Luke standing in the hallway.

"Nice outfit Ellie" Luke laughed

"I wouldn't mind seeing you wear that to the party" Cooper smiled

"You guys suck" Ellie grumbled, going back into the bathroom and slamming the door. She knew her face was red.

"We have presents," Cooper called

"Leave them in my room then" Ellie shouted from the bathroom.

Once she was finished, she made sure the boys had left so she could go to her room in a towel without being humiliated.

"Summer, why would you let me come out of the bathroom like that?" Ellie asked

"I didn't know you would full-on open the door, half-naked" Summer giggled

"Don't worry, Cooper said you good in a towel" Emily laughed

"You girls are the worst sometimes," Ellie said going into her closet and putting on her comfortable clothes for getting ready.

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