Chapter Eight - Stubborn Pride

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 It had grown exceedingly late since the wizard had stormed into the trees and hadn't returned. Some were not at all phased by this, others were starting to go nervous, wondering if they could make it to the mountain without Gandalf. Maura decided she wanted to make herself useful and she helped Bombur prepare a meal for dinner. The woman's number one love was healing people, but on occasions she did love to cook as well. Sometime she wished she had a family of her own that she could cook for. It was another night of stew, the dwarves lined up, shoving each other out of the way to get some food. Maura got her bowl and Bilbo's and they were sitting under what was left of the home. 

The hobbit soon got up from his spot pacing back and forth and eventually stood by the entranced and starred off into the distance, wondering if the wizard was going to return. "Bilbo, please come sit down." Maura insisted.

"He's been a long time." Bilbo mumbled. 

"Who?" Bofur piped up.

"Gandalf." The hobbit grumbled, as he stomped over to the other side. 

"He's a wizard. He does as he chooses." Bofur stated, clearly seeing nothing to worry about, as he filled two bowls up and Bombur trying to be sneaky and get a third helping. "Here, do us a favor take this to the lads." The dwarf demanded as he shoved the two bowls into the hobbit's hands, not giving him a choice. "Stop it. You've had plenty." 

Maura watched as the young hobbit wandered into the woods. She had a bad feeling about staying here. She was debating to try and talk to the leader again, but then again, their was no reasoning with this particular dwarf, he was too stubborn for his own good. Thorin would rather let his pride get in the way before seeking ones help. It was clear he did not trust elves, he didn't trust the wizard and he defiantly did not trust women. The half-breed was stirring her stew around, waiting for Bilbo to return; he should of come back already. How long does it take to bring two bowls of stew to two dwarves? Maura couldn't bother to eat anymore, her mind was too busy worrying about the hobbit. She saw that Bombur was looking a little sad he didn't get his third bowl of soup and the woman didn't like seeing him so sad and noticed his brother wasn't around and she gave him her bowl. Bombur thanked her and she patted the dwarf on the back before getting up and marching over to the leader. She wasn't going to give up just yet on trying to convince Thorin, they should leave, while they still could. 

"Thorin. We need to talk." Maura declared. Thorin was talking with Dwalin and Balin when the woman's voice had interrupted them. The leader turned to his side, removing his pipe from his lips and looked at her slightly annoyed. 

"Do we now?" Thorin stated, ignorantly. 

The young woman ignored the rudeness that had come out of Thorin's mouth and remained calm and serious as she decided to continue on with what she was about to say.

"We need to leave this place, now. We are not safe here. There is something out there, and it is just waiting to strike."

" I will not get into this with you! I will not seek help from the elves! We are not going to the hidden valley; I will go down fighting before seeking their help." Thorin spat. Balin and Dwalin remained silent while their leader continued to protest with this young woman. 

"Thorin....maybe we should reconsider this." Balin suggested. 

"No. We are staying here for the night and I will not discuss this anymore!" Thorin barked, getting off his spot and he stepped towards the woman, he didn't appreciate being questioned in front of his comrades and especially when it came from a woman. " You have no right to question the decisions I make." He growled as he grabbed the young woman by the arm and pulled her away from the others. "And I suggest you start learning your place in this company, Lady Maura. I can easily leave you behind, if I choose to. We already have a healer in this company. The only reason you are here with us, is because Balin seems to think you'd be useful to us, but I still have yet to see that." 

" If you think you're arrogant's is going to scare me off, you are sadly mistaken, Thorin Oakenshield. You know nothing about me. And you're going to wish you'd listen to me and the wizard and left while we still could." Maura hissed. Thorin could feel his anger rising inside him. This woman didn't know when to quit. The leader grabbed her by her wrist, about to utter some other threat. 

"TROLL'S!" Kili shouted as he and his brother came charging out of the trees.

"Trolls!" Fili repeated as they approached the others. Thorin let go of the healer and looked at his nephews.

"Trolls? Are you sure." Thorin questioned, he glanced at the woman from the corner of his eye and saw the cold stare she was given him. This couldn't be the the creature in the forest, Maura was talking about. He was now thinking maybe should have given the healer the chance and listened to her warning but he wasn't going to admit it. 

"Where's Bilbo!" Maura shouted, remembering Bofur had sent the hobbit to bring the brothers their dinner and he had yet to return. 

"The trolls have our ponies, Bilbo's trying to set them free." Fili admitted and Maura's eyes widen, they had put the halfing up to this task. He couldn't face trolls by himself. Thorin growled under his breath, now realizing this had to do with the hobbit, which made him even less willing to go in after the pathetic halfling. 

"Arm yourselves!" Thorin finally ordered. Maura had no weapon but she was going to stand here waiting for something to happen to the young lad. The healer started following the others when, Thorin yanked her back by her arm. " You're staying here." Thorin sneered.

" We'll forgive me, for not trusting you that you will save Bilbo." Maura hissed at him, and tried to brush pass him but he didn't allow her to go. 

"You are unarmed and don't know how to fight, you are not going in there, the last thing we need is you captured as well." Thorin pressed, but the woman would not listen to him. " I will tie you to this stump, if I have to." The dwarf threatened. Maura yanked her arm from Thorin and stood by the fire and the dwarves charged into the woods to rescue their burglar.  

This is my first Hobbit Story. I would appreciate any feedback you can give me. I would love to know what you think of it. I own nothing but my character Maura and the text that's not from the movies or books. Happy Reading and I hope to hear what you all think of it.

                                                                    ~Mireya Oakenshield~

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