Chapter Forty Six - A Tragic Disaster

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The Dwarves had been out on the battlefield for awhile now. Maura's worse fear was waiting...waiting for the others to come back. And to be back in the arms of the man she loved. The healer stood by what remained of the wall. Watching the destruction happening in front of her. She would ever so often see Thorin's, Fili's and Kili's forms move amongst the army of Orcs. And she would grow anxious every time she lost sight of them.

All the healer saw was fire, ash and death. The Dwarves crying out for their lives as they were struck down one by one. Maura still clutched the sword in her hand, staring down at it and then back out towards the war zone. She should be out there helping her friends. There was just one thing stopping her. Thorin's word pierced her mind, every time she thought about running out there. You're a healer. I need you here to look after the wounded. Maura hid behind the wall, wiping the tears. Hearing the Dwarves in pain was agonizing to her ears. The woman peered around the wall to see Thorin on top of a giant ram, speaking with someone. Next thing she saw was one of the chariot's being pulled by a bunch of goats arrives. Accompanying it was Balin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili. She watched the 5 of them disappear through the ranks of Orcs heading in the direction of the towers.

Maura felt the pit inside her grow when she realized what he meant by when he said he didn't have a choice. He was ending this now. He was going to kill Azog, even if it meant, it cost him his own life. No wonder he left that part out. She never would have let him leave this mountain, if she only knew then.

The woman remembered the last time Thorin went up against Azog, he nearly died. Maybe with the 4 of them backing him up they all had a chance? She had to at least have hope in that. All 5 of them were skillful sword fighters. But the Pale Orc was powerful too. That much she knew. The healer scanned the immediate area in front of her, seeing if there was anyone who might be hurt and needed her. Maura had to look twice to see a giant troll and where his hands should have been were chained metal balls with huge blades, was coming right in her direction, smashing every Dwarf solider it could spot. She wasn't sure if it had spotted her, but slowly began to back away from the entrance out of view, her eyes never leaving the giant beast as it swung its arm, colliding into the side of the mountain, causing it to shake.

The healer fell over a chunk of stone, and she had to take cover quickly as loose stone came down from above, smashing into tiny pieces around her. She waited a few minutes before looking around the corner. The beast was gone but now more threats had shown up. Maura got up from the ground and walked closer. From what she could tell they were, through the blowing snow, they looked like giant bats swarming. The healer slid to the ground, leaning against the stone wall, she felt useless remaining in this mountain, hiding from the danger that was just outside. She had no idea how long it had been since the Dwarves had gone into battle all she knew was that it already seemed like a lifetime since she last saw them. And Bilbo. Where could the Hobbit be? She hoped Fili and Kili were right. That he was safe with the Wizard. At least if he was with Gandalf, she knew the old man would protect him.

The woman's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a familiar voice calling for help. Maura got up from the ground and ran over to the entrance. It was Ori, crawling across the ground. "Ori!" She yelled, running over to him, with the sword in her hand. " Ori I'm coming!" Maura was at his side, seeing he was bleeding from a chest wound. " Come on. I have to get you inside." She pressed, slinging his one arm around her shoulder and her other arm was wrapped around his waist.

"Maura look out." Ori cried. The healer had barely gotten two steps when she heard the snarls come from behind her. The Orc knocked them both to the ground. She picked up the sword and swung at the Orc missing it. The creature then took a swing at her, Maura thankfully ducked out of the way but the Orc launched itself at her, bringing her to the ground. The healer struggled underneath it's weight trying to get her arms free to push the Orc off of her when she felt it go tense and let out it's last breath. She pushed the Orc off of her and looked to her side to see the young Dwarf lying beside her not moving.

"Ori. Ori? Wake up!" She shouted. Maura placed her hand over the Dwarf's mouth. His breath was very faint. She had to get him inside the mountain now. She still had a chance to save him. Maura placed her hands underneath Ori's armpits and began dragging the Dwarf's body back into the safety of the mountain. They were almost there, just a few more steps left to go when another Orc had managed to get through the line of Dwarves and brought the healer down, hard to the ground. Maura went to stand up, feeling dizzy when the Orc slammed the handle of it's weapon against her head and everything around her went dark.

It was so dark where she was. Which made her believe that she was already dead. The battle was still raging around her. She could feel the warm liquid oozing from her head wound, coming down her face. Why wasn't she waking up? She needed to wake up. Ori? Ori was hurt. He needed her. Maura was practically screaming at herself to wake up. Her head was pounding still from the impact of the attack. The healer wasn't sure at first but started to hear faint voices that sounded oddly familiar. They were calling out for her to wake up.

"Maura. Maura. Maura?" The woman's eyes slowly opened, her vision still had yet to return to her. The healer slowly sat up with the help of Bombur, her head leaning against his chest. " Maura take it easy, lass." Bofur told her.

"Bofur. How long have I been out?" The healer groaned as her hand instantly went to her forehead when she flinched in pain from the burning sensation. And then she remember.

"For awhile now."

"Ori. Where is he?" She panicked, looking to her side to see the young Dwarf, lying there as still as ever. " Ori..." Maura shoved Bofur away from her and crawled over to Ori and began checking his vitals for any signs of life. " Wake up, wake up Ori!" She cried, shaking him.

"Lass he's already gone-" Bofur tried.

"No. No, he can't be..." Her voice broke, her one hand covering her face. The healer failed to save the young Dwarf. He was too young to die. She felt someone pull her gentle away from the dead body.

"Maura, this isn't you're fault." Bofur told her.

"I could have saved him, Bofur." She insisted, shaking her head in disappointment at herself. Maura looked around to see a few of the Dwarves had returned but not all. " Bofur....where are the others? Have they returned?" Maura dared to ask.

"Lass...Nori and Dori are dead as well." Bofur added turning in the direction where their bodies now laid. The healer muffled her gasp at this awful turn of event's.

"And the others? Where is Balin, Dwalin, Kili, Fili and Thorin? Have they returned yet?"

" No... Gloin, Bifur and Oin are on there way to Ravenhill." He explained. Bombur helped pull the young woman up off the ground only to be caught by Bofur. All this was too much for her. " Maura your shaking. You need to sit down." He said, guiding her away from from the dead brothers. He removed his coat and wrapped it around her.

"Were is Bilbo?" She asked in a shaky voice. Before the Dwarf could answer, they heads all turned to the entrances where the footsteps were coming from. The healer saw Balin, Oin, and Gloin come in, relieved to see not all her friends had perished. The woman kept looking hoping to see a few more faces. She couldn't take anymore losses of the people she cared about. Her face lit up to see Bilbo and she ran over to him, pulling him into a hug. " Oh, Bilbo thank goodness your alright. I was so scared I wasn't going to see you again." Her voice broke. She pulled the Hobbit away from her, to look him over. He was covered in blood. " Are you injured? Does anything feel broken or anything like that?" She asked him.

" Maura. I'm okay. Mostly just sore. But Aunt Maura, theirs something you need to know....Thorin, he, uh-"

"Thorin what? He's okay right?" She asked hesitantly.

"Maura. Thorin...he's" Bilbo struggled to say the words when they heard more approaching footsteps. The healer turned away from Bilbo and looked to see Dwalin and behind him was Beorn. Her face instantly fell and she froze at the sight of who the Skinchanger was carrying in his arms.

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