Chapter Twenty Four - Attack of the Arachnid's

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Maura opened her eyes and blinked a few times. It took her a few moment's to realize she was no longer in the dark, forest but appeared to be in a place that seemed familiar. She continued to walk straight as she peered around, looking for something that would tell her, where she was. The healer heard the soft sounds of bird calls. It looked to be spring time and she saw waterfalls in every direction and she was walking towards a beautiful garden and she realized she was in Rivendell. Her face lit up when she saw their faces again as they came towards her.

"Dorgol." She whispered as tears came down her face, seeing her husband standing before her. He smiled at her as she came closer to clutch his form but her fingers went right through him. Not far from him was their son Roggol, he was running towards them, laughing. Maura couldn't help but giggle as the tears continued to come. She turned back to her husband for just as a second when suddenly a giant spear came through his chest and the healer shrieked covering her mouth, she then looked at Roggol when he screamed for his parents. Maura went to run to him when Dorgol grasped her arms tightly and she gasped.

"Maura. Wake up." A voice stressed. The woman looked at her husband as blood came gushing out his mouth, as another spear entered his chest, causing him to spit out his blood and splatter the half-breed right in the face. " MAURA WAKE UP!"

The healer's eyes shot open. Her eyes moved frantically around to see she was covered in some sort of sticky web stuff. She then saw Dwalin at her side, tearing the material away from her and pulled her to her feet. The rest of the dwarves managed to get free of the webs and were making a run for it. Maura turned around when she heard numerous roars behind them and she saw over a dozen spiders coming right at them. "" she mumbled in fear as she froze in her spot.

"Maura, come on run!" Bofur urged, giving the healer a shove in the direction the others were running in.

"Where's Bilbo!?" She cried as she tried to search, amongst the scattered dwarves, but she could not find him anywhere. The giant creatures caught up to them in no time and the company swung their blades as the giant arachnids came at them from every corner. Maura was being chased by one of the spiders, when she tripped on a root and she fell to the ground. She quickly rolled onto her back to see it was just inches from her and she began to back away hastily as short shrieks began to escape passed her lips. Thorin had just finished killing, yet another spider that had come at him. He was about to engage the next one when he saw across from him, the woman being cornered by two of beasts. The prince gripped his sword and dashed over to kill the creatures, that were about to harm the young woman. Maura let out a screaming as one of the spiders roared at her, when it dropped dead in front of her. Thorin quickly moved to kill the next one and he went to the shaking woman and pulled her to her feet.

"Stay behind me!" He ordered as he saw the rest of his men had managed to take out the rest of the spiders and were now running behind to follow his lead.

"Come on, keep up!" Dwalin shouted to the ones straggling behind. They didn't make it much further down the path one another spider dropped down in front of them. Maura gasped as she stayed behind the dwarf prince. Thorin was ready to fight it, when movement in the trees caught his attention. The company barely had time to react when they were suddenly surrounded with arrows pointed at their heads by elves.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." The blonde elf hissed at Thorin. The prince slowly lowered his sword as he saw more and more elves come into the clearing and aiming their bows at them.

"Help!" Kili shouted as he struggled to get free of the spiders hold.

"Kili!" Fili screamed for his brother, but the elves only moved their arrows closer to their heads when the dwarves tried to move to help one of their own. Maura, have been around elves most of her life, could not understand why these elves appeared more cold then the elves of Rivendell. Kili was eventually saved by a red-headed she-elf and was taken over to the others to get searched. The elves began disarming them of all their weapons and were piled in spot for them to take back to their kingdom. Maura was standing on the side, in front of Thorin, with her eyes on the ground, when she suddenly felt a pair of eyes watching her. She looked up to see it was the blonde elf. He was looking at her oddly and though she did not see it. Thorin was glaring over her shoulder at the elf prince for the way he was looking at their female companion.

Legolas, began to question Thorin on how Orcrist had come into his hands. A sword made by his kin.

"It was given to me." Thorin answered bluntly.

"Not just a thief, but a liar as well." Legolas accused.

"He is not lying! Lord Elrond gave it to him." Maura snapped in elvish. The elf turned and looked at her as he came closer.

"Who are you? What are you doing in these parts?" Legolas demanded, back in elvish. Maura did not answer, but gave him a glare, a normal trait all dwarves achieve when they wished not to answer certain question. When the woman would not answer him, he turned to the other guards and ordered them to take their new prisoners back to the kingdom. Legolas, personally tied the young woman's wrist together, like the others and began pulling her along down the path with the others.

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