Chapter Fourteen - Captured

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The dwarves had taken refuge in the cave. Happy to be out of the storm. Once Maura was done with Bilbo, she went over to the rest of the company. Insisting that she take a look to make sure none were too badly hurt from when part of the company had crashed into the side of the mountain. The Healer knew well enough to keep her distance from Thorin. The leader couldn't believe his own men, most of them only had a few cut's and scraps; nothing too major and yet the majority of them were letting her clean them and bandage them up. Just lining up to show off their war wounds to Maura. If Oin was the only healer in this company, the men wouldn't even bother seeking him for medical attention. The dwarves had been through far worse then getting a couple scraps and bruises. 

Thorin was growing more irritated by the minute as he continued to watch from the opposite end of the cave. The woman was now attending to Fili. He had been one of the dwarves that had smashed into the side of the mountain. Unfortunately the young dwarf wasn't as lucky as the others that had only escaped with minor cuts, he had a deep cut and Maura began to clean out the wound and then began to stitch it up, to prevent it from getting infected. Balin approached the leader to convince him to stay here and wait for the wizard, like they were instructed to do so, but Thorin argued that they must keep going, that they had no time to wait upon the wizard. The adviser had his hands on his hips, watching the prince; who was still glaring at the woman. " Are you planning on staying angry at her forever?" Balin finally asked, drawing Thorin out of stare.

"She doesn't belong here with us. Neither does the hobbit. They should have both stayed in Rivendell." Thorin grumbled angrily, as the two of them turned back to now see the half-breed wrapping Fili's arm up. Balin scuffed at that. He couldn't believe the prince, he was not even willing to give these two a chance to prove themselves. Thorin had their fates already decided in his mind. "She's just so, so;--"

"What? Gentle with them?" Balin stated. " Has a mothers love for the hobbit? Thorin, Maura is a kindhearted person, but she is not useless to us and you know it." The elder dwarf said sternly before walking away, leaving the prince to his thoughts.

"There. All done." Maura said, with a smile.

"Thank you, Maura." Fili replied with a grin, as he rolled his sleeve back down. The healer picked up her satchel and wandered back over to where Bilbo had set up his resting spot; which was away from the others. The young hobbit was still feeling discouraged after Thorin's harsh words. The storm continued to roar outside the cave entrance. The rest of the company were starting to set up for their spots they would be resting in. Gloin had managed to save some kindling from getting soaked from the rain and was now about to get a fire going to create some heat to warm themselves up, when Thorin came to put a stop to it.

"No. No fires. Not in this place." Thorin pressed. " Get some sleep. We start at first light." He ordered, ignoring his men's continuous sighs and disappointment. Everything they had on was completely drenched; including their supplies.

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us." Balin reminded the prince. "That was the plan."

"Plans change." The prince declared, turning away before Balin could express this wasn't a good idea. " Bofur, take the first watch." The dwarf let out a sigh but agreed. 

Maura had rolled out her bed and noticed Bilbo was over by the entrance of the cave and she went over to him. " Bilbo?" Maura called to him. The hobbit turned and looked at his aunt and then looked at the ground. "Bilbo, dear, you should get some rest. We have a long day a head of us tomorrow."

"I should never have come." The hobbit mumbled, loud enough for the healer to hear. 

"Bilbo, what are you talking about?" 

"Thorin. He was right, I never should have come. I mess up everything." Bilbo admitted as his hands covered his face. And Maura knew exactly were this was coming from.

"Bilbo. You can't let what Thorin said to you discourage you. You did nothing wrong." Maura pressed, but the hobbit couldn't see it. 

"No, I don't! I can't do anything right. I don't belong with dwarves, you do." Bilbo yelled back in frustration and the company turned to them. Bilbo right away realized he never meant to shout at the woman, but it was too late to take it back and he left back to his spot to get some rest, deciding what he should if he should continue on with them or go back to Rivendell. Maura looked at the young lad, knowing his frustrations and hoped the hobbit wouldn't do anything foolish. The healer walked back over to her spot beside the hobbit. Bilbo had his back towards the woman, feeling terrible for still yelling at her. The half-breed want to make sure Bilbo was alright, but decided things would be better in the morning and she laid on her side. Slowly falling asleep. 

Later in the night. Bilbo had awaken to see the dwarves fast asleep and he quickly gathered up his few belongs and his walking stick and started heading for the cave entrance, careful as to not disturb the others. The hobbit had forgotten that Bofur was the one on watch and the dwarf caught him trying to leave and demanded to know why. Thorin had opened his eyes, when he heard the two of them whispering to each others. Thorin had heard the hobbit repeat his words he had crudely said to him during the storm and the dwarf started to think he may had been a little hard on him, but he wasn't going to apologize for it. Thorin continued to listen and was even a little surprised when he heard Bofur asked the hobbit if he would really leave without the woman and Bilbo hesitated with his answer but he wasn't going to make his aunt leave when he knew how much the woman had been wanting to put her skills to the challenge and this quest was better then what the Shire offered her. She didn't belong with hobbit's, she only stay because of him. The Shire wasn't her home and Bilbo noticed for years how lonely the half-breed was.

Bilbo had already walked passed the dwarf but was quickly stopped when Bofur had caught the glowing blue light coming from Bilbo's sheathed sword. The hobbit remembered what the wizard had said when he had been given the sword, what the blue glow meant and the halfling knew something bad was coming. Thorin looked down beside him to see the sand sinking around him.

"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin shouted. Maura and the rest of the dwarves woke up when they heard Thorin's voice, but it was too late for any of the company to react as the floor of the cave collapsed downwards, and the dwarves, the healer and the burglar fell into the darkness, screaming as they slid down, unable to stop themselves and they eventually all landed in a giant cage on top of each other.  

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