Chapter Thirteen - Dangerous Road Through The Mountains

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Maura woke to see morning was already here. She rubbed her eyes, tossing the covers off of her and she got up. Balin had told her last night before everyone had departed to their resting areas, that they were to meet in front of the elf's home. The healer gathered her things and left the room. Maura walked in silence, through the hall, towards the front entrance. Maura didn't get much sleep, after having Lord Elrond's words of warning imprinted into her mind. The worst part for her was knowing this and she didn't know when it was going to strike or how. The woman saw the dwarves and the hobbit were already outside, on the platform; waiting. The healer stood beside Bilbo and notice, they were one short. Where was the wizard?

"Let's move." Thorin ordered. "The elves will be up soon." The leader made hast across the bridge; the rest of the company right behind him.

"Where's Gandalf?" Maura asked, quietly to Balin who was walking beside her.

"The wizard will be joining us in the mountains." Balin explained to her. Maura said nothing after that and was curious as to why the wizard was staying back. The company climbed the steep, rocky trail. Maura was especially quiet the entire way up when she noticed the hobbit had stopped.

"Bilbo?" Maura spoke. The hobbit turned to look at her, his eyes were filled with sadness and he turned back to look at the great Elven city that was now below them. The healer walked over, until she stood beside him. Even she still starred at the city longingly.

"Do you think we'll ever be here again" Bilbo asked, slowly turning to look at her. The half-breed swallowed. What was she going to tell him. She couldn't tell him the truth that only one of them was going to come back from this quest alive.

The woman looked down at the hobbit and smiled. " Of course we will. You and me. When this journey is over. We will stop here on our way back."


" I promise." Maura agreed.

Further up ahead. Thorin had stopped and looked to see the hobbit and the woman had fallen behind and he was not about to have his company slowed down by these two. " Master Baggins, Lady Maura, I suggest you two keep up." Both Bilbo and Maura started moving again. The healer grumbling under her breath at Thorin's manner he was treating them in. Thorin had asked his adviser, Balin to lead on since he knew these paths.The hobbit had caught up to Balin and the two of them began a conversation. The older dwarf questioned the lad on his aunt; wanting to know more about her and how she had ended up way in the Shire.

The days grew long, as they passed over many plains. Maura remained at the back of the group. Not speaking to anyone in particular, she was too preoccupied with the elf's terrifying news to be her usual self. Most of the dwarves were too preoccupied with their own bickering's to notice their female healer was acting odd; except for two. "Are you alright Miss Maura?" Kili asked

" I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Maura asked, slightly more offensive then intended.

"We'll it's just;--" Fili began

"You haven't been your usual, cheerful self, ever since we left Rivendell. " Kili finished.

" I'm sorry boys, I've just had a lot on my mind." The healer stated, not saying anything, but the brothers felt she wasn't saying everything. Their had to be a reason she was seeming so down in the last week.

"Anything you want to talk about?" Fili pressed, giving her his charming grin and she couldn't help but give him a small smile back.

" I'm alright you two...really it's nothing to worry about. I'll be fine. Why don't you two tell me more about your mother and your home." Maura suggested. For the rest of the day. Fili and Kili spent telling the healer stories about their home. They even told her about all the times they had spent, putting their prank ideas to the test - using their uncle as the prime target. The woman actually giggled, hearing this and the brothers were pleased to see her starting to be herself again. At the front of the group, Thorin was leading the way when he heard the laughter coming from further back and he looked behind him to see it was the woman; talking with his nephews and he rolled his eyes turned his eyes back to the front, continuing his own conversation with Balin and Dwalin.

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