Chapter Two

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I looked at Elliot, unamused by his recent discovery to do with the ashes. I think last week's event was still strong in my mind. However he showed me the ashes and how the gold part was glinting more than usual, and they appeared to be moving. Elliot had placed them onto a plate and the ashes were jumping around and fusing together. I looked at him in fear. If she came back, and she was royalty like the books said, then I would be in big trouble. He placed them into a dome-shaped glass to observe the movements, he nodded at me. "Don't worry, vampires can't come back" he smiled trying to calm my nerves. I hugged him quickly and then walked out, shutting the door.

Elliot sat at his desk and made some notes in his notebook, making a diagram of the dome with the ashes. As he opened one of the envelopes that had fallen out of one of the books, the letter opener sliced the side of his finger and blood quickly trickled from the cut. He sucked the wound to stop the bleeding, but a drop dripped through the hole that was on the top of the dome, falling straight into the ashes. He gasped and tried to stop it, but the glass shattered and the door locked, so all he could do was back into the door as the ashes transformed into that of a young woman, with long blonde hair and a blood red dress on. He knew this must've been the vampire I killed. He tried to let out a scream, but she placed a finger to his lips.

"Now Elliot, you intrigue me. Maybe you'll be some help. See, I need to contact my brother so that he can wipe the slayer girl out who killed me, and the only way I can is through a human consort. I cannot return to the castle alone, you see. You smell delicious by the way" she chuckled to herself, tracing along his lips with her nail. He shivered and tried to pull away but she held him close, drawing him in, making him fall for her. I was making my way to Elliot to give him some lunch because he hadn't eaten since what happened to Brian. They were brothers, so it hit him hard.

"Get off me" he shook, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him. Something wasn't right about her, whether it be her perfect features and pristine skin, or the glinting fangs that sat waiting for blood to trickle down them. He shuddered once more as Brian's mauled body flashed in his mind and tears rolled down his cheeks. "You killed my brother, didn't you? He was innocent!" he managed to yell at her, but everyone was no training so nobody could hear his shouts. She placed a finger to his lips and chuckled softly.

"You mistake me for my brother" she smiled. She sat down on the end of his bed and sharpened her nails, humming softly. Elliot struggled and tried to undo the door but it was locked and he wasn't exactly strong. I'm going to die, he thought, I'm going to die like Brian. He reluctantly sat by her on the bed, still keeping his distance because he knew not to trust vampires, because they'll manipulate you slowly into believing what they want you to. "He said he's going to kill everyone here before he kills her, the slayer, and the only way to stop him is for her to give herself up or for me to show I'm still alive. Seeing as your blood brought me back, I quite like you" she smirked, turning to face him, whilst brushing her dress to get rid of the ruffles. Running her hand along the side of his face, he became less tense.

"Just tell me how I can stop any of this, I don't want any more deaths than there has to be" he sighed, looking down and removing her hand from his face. She rolled her eyes and shook her hair slightly, looking back up at him. Her purple eyes glinted. He suddenly saw that she wasn't a monster, and in a flash of uncertainty, pulled her into his lap. He messed with her hair ever so slightly, being gentle as if playing with a doll. Even he seemed confused with actions however, like he was not fully in control of them; he was a puppet and she was pulling his strings. "Tell me" he managed to say through gritted teeth.

"Like I said before hunny" she smirked, knowing only I called him that and he hated it if anyone else did. "I need a consort to go back to the palace with; I cannot go back without a partner. Of course that would mean I would have to change you, but that's no big deal, but I would have to have your complete permission. Then you would have to meet my brother, and parents, and then we would get married" the world rolled off her tongue as though she was certain the man she hardly knew was meant to be hers. Elliot swallowed and pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. Marriage? Change? NO.

"What was the other option?" he swallowed, moving his hair so he could see every movement she was making. She laughed under her breath and took a large picture of everyone in the house, then put numbers next to their names and showed him the now labelled picture laden with numbers that made no sense. She pointed to Brian, who had the number one by him.

"We kill you all, one by one, we've already started. You'll die in the iconic way, just like your brother, but we may not be so kind when it comes to the people you call 'family'. We let her die slowly, suffer as she sees everyone wiped out, then my brother has a plan, because he also needs a consort. At the time when she is most broken, he will change her and claim her as his own" she smiled all the way through that eerie explanation, even though Elliot had gone ghostly pale and his eyes were wide. Number two was Toby, Donnie's son.

"What if I don't want to pick? I'm not the greatest decision maker" he sighed, distancing himself from the choice, the choice that was impossible. Live for eternity with a monster and know that everyone you loved or cared about has died, or watch as everyone you love including yourself is brutally killed one by one, and then the girl you secretly liked was forced into a marriage she doesn't want. How could he pick? She looked at a pocket watch that was in her purse and stood up, listening to the fast beat of his scared little heart.

"Silly little games, that's all this life is. Pick one, it's not that hard" she smirked, feeling powerful over this weak human, even though he made her heart flutter.

"I pick the second option, because I have your list, we can protect the people here" he spat out at her, disgusted. "I would never marry a monster like you" he would regret saying that, she smiled and pushed him up against the locked door, hand around his neck, gripping tight. He coughed and tried to pull her off feebly as with one swift movement she snapped his next. He fell to the floor and hit numerous pieces of wooden furniture on the way, the most prominent cut caused by the dressing table that had slashed down his neck.

Something plucked at her undead heart, seeing him hurt almost killed her as well. She knew that he could be saved within five minutes of his death, but she had nothing that could help her. It would be painful and she could hear me make my way down the hall to see how he was, considering he didn't turn up for training. Time was ticking fast, and making a small wish, her brother appeared. His name was Damien, they were twins. Damien and Drella. Damien looked at his sister as she cried softly and pointed to a lifeless Elliot. "Do something" she whispered, and he saw the red glint in her eye that showed she had feelings for him.

Damien was well built, but had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes that could chill anyone, send shivers down their spines so to speak. He knelt by the limp boy and scoffed that his sister had fallen for some worthless human. The fact he was a slayer disgusted him even more. But she was his sister, and did not want her to be alone. Life may have not been kind to him but he would try his hardest to make sure everything was ok for her. He saw a scar on her chest that looked like a stake wound and he growled, he would kill everyone until he found the person who staked her. Without a second thought he clamped his fangs into Elliot's neck and began to drink, the cherry wine rippling at his lips. He shut his eyes and managed to pull away despite the predator within screaming for more. The venom he used to stop the blood from clotting would quickly reach his heart and kick start it again, turning him slowly. "We'll have to take him back with us, so you can explain this stake mark to me, sister" he growled, licking the last of the liquid from his soft lips. He carefully picked up the convulsing boy and holding his sister's hand, they both disappeared just as I knocked on the door.

"Elliot? Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? I know this is hard for you but Brain is in a better place, with Aunt Liddie and Biscuits the dog. I miss him too, I really do. Besides, he was the first guy I went out with and probably the last. I'll end up alone with twenty cats in a tiny flat with nobody caring" I sighed, sitting against the door. "Please open the door, you locked it"

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