Chapter Six

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I ran my hands through my hair and unlocked the bathroom door. My memories kept flooding back and they became more emotional every time. I wondered what the next one would be, and how bad it would affect me. I tried to shake the images from my head and sat on my bed again, looking around the lavish room I was staying in. It was like a perfect hotel, a five star one only celebrities would stay at. I fixed the duvets on my bed and laid my towel that I used for my hair over the hook on the back of the bathroom door. It was fuzzy and red and contrasted against my dyed black hair. I yawned and stretched my arms, then sat on the end of my bed. I felt at a lose end, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

“Leila?” a girl asked, poking her head around the edge of the door. At first I blinked but realised I would have to get used to surprises. She was around sixteen and had flaming red hair with the same blue eyes, like sapphires. They also had a tinge of gold, but not edged with it like the royals. She smiled and walked inside, holding a pile of clothes. She placed them on the chair and stood up, placing her hands back into her pockets. I looked at her confused, and watched as she swayed slightly. “OH. I’m Saffie, I’m the go to girl about clothes here” she smiled, nodding towards the clothes in the pile.

“Oh, I was just scared because you barged into my room and stuff, I’m still not comfortable about the whole vampire thing” I replied, rolling my eyes. I looked through the clothes though and smiled, noticing they were all my favourite band shirts and the jeans I would wear. There were also three pairs of converse and a new hoodie. She nodded and sat in the chair as I held the shirts up against my frail body. They were my size as well. The jeans looked about right and the trainers fit perfectly too. These vampires were creepy.

“There’s something different about you, Leila. You smell of vampires yet also of despair and being alone” she said, her eyes flaring completely gold as she looked me up and down. I gulped and could only watch. She carried on her glazed stare and edged closer to my coat, but I held the stake tight behind my back. I really hoped vampires couldn’t smell each other’s ashes. I held the stake in my tight grip and shut my eyes. Everything would stop soon. “Erm, Leila, you can open your eyes” she said confused and shaking I did, realising she was normal again.

“Sorry, I have really weird reactions to things” I sighed, hiding my stake under the mattress before she could find it. Maybe it was time for me to just give myself in, say I’m a slayer and tell them how many vampires I’d killed. I picked out a shirt and jeans before locking myself in the bathroom again to change. The t-shirt was extremely skinny and made me look curvy, and was tight enough to stop me breathing. The jeans fit better though, not being too skinny. I pulled the neon green pair of trainers on and laced them up, hopping in that way in the process. I bashed my shoulder off the glass shower cover and cringed, hoping I would get a bruise and not some big gash on my arm.

As I fixed my hair again in the mirror, a cloud of almost black smoke clouded it, trickling through the cracks of the glass like a black oozing liquid. It snaked and soon covered the whole mirror in darkness. I ran my finger over it but it burnt my hand at the touch, like venom did. Saffie had gone because there was no ruffling of clothes and everywhere seemed deathly silent. I pulled my hand away quickly. It was scorched. I looked back up as the liquid dripped from the corner of the mirror in tiny droplets. I looked closer and as I did my head went through the mirror. I was looking straight into the same bathroom only it looked older. I climbed through the window slowly and jumped down on the other side, brushing my clothes.

The room was the same, but there was no shower and no electrics, but a tiny gas lamp glowing orange in the corner. I carefully pushed the door open to see a significant difference in the room. There were no electrics, the lights were gas like the one in the bathroom and there were no pictures up. The walls were black as well. I carefully tip toed down the stairs to hear quiet voices that turned to shouts. I shivered and climbed back up to the mirror and back to safety, but a door slammed open and I gasped in shock. Stupid me, giving them my location.

A vampire walked up the stairs to me and walked through me like a mere ghost, then pinned me to the wall with his hand. He crushed my windpipe harshly and I choked, holding my stake against his chest. I felt it pierce his skin but he let my neck go. I was compelled to stay in the spot I was and he disappeared into a black mist, then appeared to my other side. He brushed the back of his hand against my jaw line which made me shiver. I spat in his eye, and he slapped me hard across the cheek. “Feisty are we?” he smiled, revealing his fangs that were tipped in fresh blood. I squirmed and tried to move but it hurt every time I tried. “There’s no point in struggling, every time you do it will hurt you even more” he said with a large smirk, the rest of the group laughing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Where am I?” I asked truly scared, and he chuckled, a smell of blood lingering on his breath. The others laughed harder this time, one mimicking me. I wanted to kick him where it would truly hurt but just my luck I was stuck to a spot. I messed with my stake as my hands grew cold, but it dropped from my grip and tumbled down the black carpeted stairs. I swallowed as he breathed on my neck and tried not to shake, but I couldn’t help it anymore. I sobbed and dabbed at the tears that shamelessly rolled down my cheeks. I looked at them and saw they were black. Everything here was that and white.

“Where am I? Where am I?” he mimicked me, pretending to be scared and girly, waving his hands around. The others just laughed and I looked down. He snapped my head up and I cringed, looking into his flaming red eyes. “You my dear, just stepped into the Mistshashi, and the kingdom of the rogue vampires. A poor little human, it’s so nice to have a fresh snack isn’t it boys?” he smirked, turning to the others. They all cheered with excitement and bared their fangs. I covered my neck again by instinct.

“D-Don’t bite me” I stuttered, sounding like the first girl to die in a horror movie, only one that would run late at night. They all laughed and the one that was standing by me circled me again, sniffing me in a weird cannibal way. He smirked and took in my scent, shutting his eyes. I finally got a glimpse at what he looked like. A black leather jacket that looked like it had seen better days, black denim jeans and huge boots with buckles on. He had icy white hair with black highlights and was wearing heavy black eye shadow and reminded me of a panda. He must’ve heard my thoughts because he punched my stomach hard and I threw my arms around my waist and sobbed again.

“We have no interest in biting you, maybe just a taste but that’s different, we have a little proposal for you. Consider it a deal” he smirked, still circling me. I gulped and he held a hand out, I noticed that his skin was like marble but his veins were invisible. I shook it slightly and shivered, and he smiled as a black butterfly flew up my skin. I smacked it but it was like a moving tattoo, and it continued to flutter up and down my arm. I watched it and he took my hand away, and the butterfly stopped moving and embedded itself on my shoulder. “Don’t try killing it; it’s a part of you now, under your skin. Feel its wings flutter against your skin and bones.” He smiled, but I pulled my hand out of his.

“Just tell me so I can go home” I teared up again, and stared at the floor and the once red carpet that now had lost all of its colour. It looked like there had been a war, and this was what happened. Or maybe this was the past, because of the no electric? I looked at the group and they stopped laughing, looking at their leader (or I assume that’s who he is) for the answer to my question. They smirked and so did he.

“We’ll take you home, back to the house and make sure that you never get troubled by vampires ever again. If, you stake the royal family. I mean the King and Queen, and the Princes and Princess. That’s all we ask, and then you return here and we’ll take you home immediately” he smirked, looking into my eyes. I swallowed, I really wanted to go home but I wasn’t prepared to kill innocent-ish people just to go home, especially when that would destroy Demie and throw the kingdom into turmoil.  

I came to a decision and looked around at the practically starving vampires. Feeding off carcasses with no blood or flesh to sustain them for longer than a day. Never bitten, never tainted in any way was how a slayer would describe a bite. I swallowed and held my stake tight, contemplating who to stake first out of this evil group, until the leader nodded his head. “Elliot and Brain will be at home too” he cooed in my ear, and my eyes widened.

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