Chapter Twenty Five

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I pushed him away. With the little strength I had I managed to push him a few paces back; it may not have sounded much but in that situation, of life or death, it mattered. “Snow told me all about you Leila, and trust me; you’re top of our most wanted list” he smirked, loading the gun in his hands with two bullets. One must’ve been in case I dodged out of the way. I knew that by now my eyes were bleak and looked like they didn’t want to live anymore – I felt near to that – but my heart spurred me on.

“Snow lied to me, the slayers, and most importantly, every vampire in existence” I spat back.

“He is a vampire and therefore better than you. Speak about him like that and I swear I will shoot you once in the head and once in the chest to make sure you can’t speak again” he growled, aiming the gun towards my face. I looked straight at him, no hint of fear anywhere in my eyes or body language, I stood my ground well.

“You should watch out Ridley, I haven’t seen the battle yet. We’re on the outskirts of it. I heard that we’re winning” I replied, shouting at him over the sound of gunshots and screams. They echoed through the air like a blade. He clicked the trigger of the gun and walked around me in a perfect circle, but I fixed my gaze firmly to the floor.

“You wouldn’t want to, unless you like seeing lots of blood, but you have a phobia don’t you?” he asked with a sarcastic tone. He really didn’t look interested and by the looks of it, had dried blood all over his arms and face. I knew they needed to drink blood but I never realised how much. It also made tons of mess. The contrast between the paleness of his skin and the deep red of the blood was shocking. His eyes were also extremely bright (almost like a cat’s would be) and looked like they were glowing with light.

“Actually, being in Victus has made me less scared of it, considering I’ve been around it twenty-four-seven here” I chuckled, looking up to meet his icy glare. “You do realise that Snow killed the Queen?”

“YES WELL YOU KILLED THE KING!” He yelled back. I knew they had nothing else to say when they pulled the King card.

“Yes. Do you want a gold star? Or a lollipop?” I rolled my eyes. Walking around I picked up a gun and a stake from amongst the dead bodies. It wasn’t considering stealing I guess. Ridley clicked the gun once more and smirked, showing his fangs. That didn’t scare me anymore. Nothing seemed to. In an instant, everything went a crimson shade of red.

Immediately, I wiped the blood from my eyes. In front of me was a slightly relived and covered in blood Tommie. “Leila, come on, you need to fight!” he yelled, grabbing my wrist and running through the last trees in the forest, the rest had been damaged through fighting. “Run!”

The noise of gunshots grew in my ears and it took up every thought that I managed to decipher. It felt like the end of the world, the end of everything, only there were no flames like I expected. He dragged me through different paths and maze-like wire, making sure I didn’t rip my skin on the barbed wire. We trod fast but carefully. I shut my eyes and carried on running. I had more chance if I didn’t know where I was going. I felt a gun being put into my hands which prompted me to open my eyes; we’d made it to the battle ground.

The air was sliced by movement of wounded people and dying vampires. I was truly shocked that there were still so many people alive, but there were so many bodies everywhere. It reminded everyone that there was one end to all of this. I knelt down next to one of the bodies and examined it, trying to work out a plausible cause of death, but there were no answers. There were neither bite marks nor bullet wounds and there wasn’t even any blood. I knew they were dead though because there was no pulse and their skin had gone ice cold.

I looked up at Tommie, who looked back at me and pulled me away from the body quickly. “I wouldn’t get too close, see the vampires are turning people now instead of killing them because then they eventually have more people on their side to fight for them. That body there has been bitten and the venom is changing them fast. In about ten minutes they’ll wake up, thirsty for blood and wanting to kill. You can’t trust everyone because these new vampires look exactly like us until it’s too late. Anyone could be an enemy. Some people have been taken hostage also” he explained how younger girls and stronger men were kidnapped and locked up.

“Where are they being kept?” I asked, looking at him unsure as to whether he actually knew. “Also, why are they keeping them locked up?”

“They’re keeping them locked up because they’re vampires, Leila. We don’t know why they’re being kept locked up we just know they’re keeping young women and strong men. Probably to turn the women into servants and men into soldiers” he shrugged. “Either that or they’re looking for someone”

“They’re looking for a young woman and a man described as strong. Those vampires like to narrow their descriptions of people don’t they” I laughed sarcastically. Most people fighting met one of those descriptions.  Even I met the vague description of ‘young woman’

“Just watch out Leila, you might be kidnapped any moment and our first priority is winning this war, not finding the lost” he looked at me, his eyes now serious. “Like I said, anyone could look innocent and have the worst of intentions” he warned me.

He ran forward to try and find some more people and disappeared into the fog (which was a hazy shade of green) without so much as a ‘goodbye’. I sighed and sat against the tree; the battle had gone eerily quiet and I wondered, whether people knew something I didn’t, and were hiding. Eh, it’s just me and my over-acting imagination. I picked up my old stake and brushed off the remnants of blood and skin and placed the stake into my pocket.

“Look who we have here” Drella laughed, filing her nails as if everything was perfectly normal. She walked towards me clacking in her heels with a large smirk on her face, making sure that I noticed her fangs, that were splattered with blood. Her eyes were more fluorescent and made her skin look as white as paper. “We’ve been looking for you”

“No, what you’ve been doing is kidnapping innocent people and locking them up” I replied, pacing towards her. She looked at me and laughed as if I was nothing more than an insect ready to be exterminated or farmed for blood. I went to punch her with all of my force but she caught the punch and twisted my wrist effortlessly.

“I’m so sorry Leila, but you can’t escape this. We have to kill you because of who you are. You’re too important and could mess up everything for us so we’re going to lock you up; at least until we find your family connections and friends, then we’ll kill you to rid you of the pain” she laughed, clicking. Ridley, Damien and Snow grabbed me from behind, snow covered my mouth as I screamed and chuckled.

“Long time no see, Leila. I must say, you’ve been a very weak warrior” he laughed, placing a tissue to my mouth. I tried to breathe but everything went extremely hazy and I felt my body fall weak in their arms. Damien picked me up as the strongest of the three and listened to my heartbeat as it slowed to a lulled pace.

“Why is it that when I finally find her, I find this human as well?” Ridley asked sarcastically, looking at Drella. She shrugged and dragged her nail down my cheek, drawing blood. The four vampires all looked at it hungrily and their eyes lit up.

“Wait. We have to find out about her first, before we drink from her” Damien sighed, looking down in a defeated humph. Drella nodded in approval with what her brother had to say which was a pleasant surprise. I felt movement and Damien dropped me into snow’s arms before grabbing a piece of wood. Ridley clicked and flames burned at his fingertips as he lit the torch with his magic. Damien looked at him with a fake smile. Ridley’s magic came because he was an old vampire, Damien knew that in time, he would get his.

Snow led the way to the cells on the outskirts of Victus, with the other vampires in tow and me in his arms. This place barely resembled anywhere, it was just tangled forest. Through the trees, a large stone box structure was visible and they began walking towards it. Drella opened the door with her key to the pleas and cries of those locked up in there. A girl tried to run out only to be thrown to the floor by Damien. “Try to escape again and I’ll drink you dry”

Nobody was locked up by chains in the room, but I guessed they’d want some for me. I can get a little cranky in the mornings. Ridley took me from snow and chained my arms to the wall, tightening them so that the chains began to blister my skin. He smirked and tightened it once more just so that if I tried to struggle, they would break my wrists. “Our work is done for now, but now we have to decipher the biggest paper trail known to a living creature. We may need a lot of coffee-blood”

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