Chapter Four

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“Trent” I groaned, rubbing the back of my head as I sat up from the fall. It was pounding and the fact that everything here was so bright didn’t help. I looked up at the moon that was a glowing yellow in colour against the bloodshot sky and tilted my head slightly, there were no stars. Trent sat up and he made an annoyed-in pain sound like I did, and rubbed his head. Demie was strangely quiet in this other dimension, a whole other planet. “Demie, are you ok?” I asked as all my senses returned, and an ever so faint smell of blood filled the air, it made me gag. She nodded weakly, astonished that she was actually here again.

“Donnie said it was royal vampires that took Elliot, right? I might know where the castle is” she sighed, still staring at the sky, in her own little bubble. I looked at Trent but he just shrugged and stood up, wiping the purple blades of grass from his clothes. I helped Demie up even though she still seemed shocked or dazed, or a big mix of the two. However a glint of gold flashed in her eyes and my eyes quickly shot up to the sky, where the stars appeared one by one. Each of them shining like the sun. “They’re coming” she shook. “They’re coming for me again”

“Demie, you’re safe with us, just tell us what happened the last time you were here?” Trent asked, and she snapped out of her little bubble, walking through the grass as if she knew this place ever since she was born. We followed and I held Trent’s hand, I was not about to lose the last sane person and get butchered by vampires any time soon. We followed Demie and my eyes widened as she stepped onto a stone path, and her clothes changed to a deep purple dress. We followed her but our clothes stayed the same.

She sat on the edge of a glistening blue fountain and swayed her legs back and forth, not touching the floor. The water was a serene blue, as almost too clear and perfect, and there was a mosaic of a dolphin at the bottom. The fountain’s waters were rippling gently as Demie ran her hand through them. “You want to know what happened when I came here?” she asked, repeating Trent’s question and looking up at him. We nodded and she let out a long sigh before placing her hand back in her lap.

“When I came here, I had to get a treaty signed. On the way to finding the castle I was found by a vampire with bad intentions, who drank from me. Not all of my blood, but enough for the venom to kill me. I staggered to the castle where I collapsed. A few hours after, the Queen found me half dead, and dying fast, so she took my inside and straight to the doctor. He took the venom out of my system and put me on multiple IVs to get me back. Don’t worry, I’m still human” she chuckled softly. “Anyway, the King and Queen looked after me, which is why I was here longer than I was supposed to, and I became very good friends with their eldest son, Carter. He told me everything would be fine and I could stay with him, but there was a big fight. I was thrown out and I woke up at the slayer house again. I think I was in love with him” she sighed, her face seemed to drop and she looked away from us.

“Can you take us to the castle now?” Trent asked, I punched his arm. He showed no sympathy, which was one of his downfalls. She nodded and walked down the stone path until the largest and most beautiful palace appeared in my eyes. It was lit in a warm amber glow and it looked like something that belonged in a fairy tale. When we got closer, and walked through the pristine gardens that were perfectly kept, it grew bigger and bigger. I gulped and shakily kept my grip tight in Trent’s hand. Demie knocked on the large, dark wooden door and we stood on the step. I was physically scared, and I’d never shown it before.

A woman opened the door, dressed in what appeared to be a black dress with a white apron. Vampires have servants? I thought, well they were royalty. “Who might you three be?” she asked, her accent was very vague but she sounded like she was from America. My heart fluttered in relief, someone from our world. “Hello? I would like an answer to your question otherwise I will be telling the guards to escort you off the premises” she said with venom in her voice, and looked at us impatiently. I nudged Demie because she’d met people here before.

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