Chapter Twenty Eight

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“I’m going back to fight. We’re losing; I have a chance to show everyone that I’m not that girl in movies that practically asks to be killed, I’m too strong to be her” I said looking at myself in the mirror. I wiped the dry blood from my face and rubbed my black eye, noticing that it was tender to the touch. I shouldn’t have had the alcohol in the cupboard, and I shouldn’t have argued with Elliot. Seems like he actually loves Drella, and maybe I shouldn’t have called her cold hearted.

Now I had to go into the last stages of a war with a huge hangover

I grabbed three stakes from the cupboard and found a dirty sheet of paper in the back of the wardrobe with the slayer code written on it. Looks like there were slayers living in Victus. I can imagine that the whole thing ended well; hinting at my sarcasm I laughed. I pulled a large coat on that finished just above my knees and pushed the pieces of paper into my pockets. I walked out of the hut and into the sunlight. All I could think about, were his vows.

Drella. I’m so glad I found you

I looked around for any signs of anyone, but as I walked and tried to push the lines that hurt me so much from my head, I almost tripped on bullets. There was shattered glass all over the dusty ground and I stepped around them.

I vow to always love you for who you are, cherish the fact I have you and never leave you

Ok, I’ve had it with my own mind now. I am officially going crazy. I threw a stake at a tree and smiled as it hit it, burrowing into the bark. My target was still as good as ever. I would have assumed that my slaying skills had mellowed after spending a lot of time in Victus.

I promise to always be there for you and always be there when you need to talk to someone

Well that one was obviously a lie. I looked around and drank some water that had been hidden in a flask and spat it out. Water with sand in did not taste good. Then I heard running behind me and I turned to see three people running towards me. I knew that they were vampires by their quick movements and threw three stakes at them, smiling as each one hit a vampire’s chest. They collapsed just before they could get me.

I promise to be your best friend as well as your husband and I will always remember your amazing smile

Luckily his vows ended there and I couldn’t remember Drella’s. I plucked the stakes from each vampire and pushed them into my pockets. I was going to be remembered, I planned to be. There was no way that I would just be easily forgotten. I followed the screams and guns and the silver trail of bullets on the floor. The shine was covered by dry blood. Everything was covered in blood. The field was now void of any grass and the dry ground was home to pure bloodshed.

Aphra paced the corridors of the mansion, that was now falling apart more and more every day, and wondered how long her banishment lasted. The Mistshashi was being ripped apart as the castle was. She looked into the mirror that had once brought her here and looked at her reflection, not noticing how faded it was. She longed to see her father again and see if he had lived up to his promise; he promised that, even if it kills him, that he would find her child. That beautiful baby girl, the saviour of the three worlds.

“Where did you go?” she asked in a whisper, running her fingertips down the mirror. She missed them both so much, the baby girl and her partner. They planned to marry, but she was banished before they could. He was executed. She could still remember being made to watch it and how much she cried. They killed him before she was banished. Luckily, she got to look after the baby for two years here in the Mistshashi, but then she disappeared. She never saw the girl again.

Aphra sighed and walked back into one of the disused bedrooms of many. There were ten people here at max, but most came and went as they pleased. She remembered how Snow had killed each one and turned them as they came here human and how she had been repulsed by the idea of it. More vampires meant more mouths to feed, and they didn’t have a supply of blood. Aphra would have to rely on Snow to bring some, but he hadn’t returned for months now and she was looking frail.

The last blood she had was that of a twenty something boy. Snow called him Trent, so she assumed that was the boy’s name. He was so easy to kill but still so fearful in the moments he died; she could still taste the tinge of terror lining his blood. In a split second which disturbed her thought, Snow materialised behind her out of thick black mist.

“Aphra, we have some news” he said, his tone of voice severe and serious, which was very unusual of him. She looked at him with a tiny glimmer of hope in her eyes. “But you’ll have to come with us, back to Victus first” he added, knowing she wouldn’t be so happy about that.

I want to know what’s happened she thought to herself, placing her hands on her hips. She looked at Snow and nodded, taking his hand in her own. He smirked down at her and kissed her softly before disappearing with her into a similar mist. They appeared in the castle library and he sat her down, handing her the large golden book. She traced the cover and looked down at the large book of records confused.

“Why have you given me a book of slayer records?” she asked, she was never really interested in any of that stuff. He looked up at her and opened the page onto the one that had been marked and her eyes widened. “T-That’s!”

Snow nodded and took the book away from her. “We need your help, she wouldn’t be the right type of ruler, and so we have to kill her” he explained, watching Aphra’s face turn from joy and hope to sorrow and despair. She shook her head and stood up from the chair, her eyes turning a murky black as she stared at Snow.

“You put one finger on her and I’ll rip you apart” she growled, dragging her nail down his neck and watching as it sliced through the flesh like a knife. She licked the blood away as her eyes turned normal again and he started shaking uncontrollably. “So what are you not going to do?” she asked, folding her arms.

I will not lay a finger on her” he smirked, knowing that promise only meant him. The heir would die at the hands of one of the others, and he had even made a deal with Elliot that if he killed her, then he would be offered immortality. She nodded and sat back down. Just as he thought about the deal he had made, Elliot fell into the room as the guards dropped him. He had been drinking, he smelt of alcohol. “What’s wrong?” he asked, waving the guards out of the room.

“I-it’s Leila. She’s gone back to fight” Elliot choked, stumbling to his feet. “You said if she went back to fight it would be harder to get her. I tried, Snow, I tried to stop her; she just went anyway” he added, beginning to cry. Stupid humans, Snow thought; they’re always ruled by emotions instead of rational thought. He grabbed a knife from the table and stuck the flat side beneath Elliot’s chin, raising his head up with the blade.

“I’ll alert Drella, Damien and Ridley. You have to find her and make sure that she doesn’t find Tommie or any of the other humans” Snow said sternly, tilting the blade ever so slightly so it cut through his skin. Elliot sniffed and cringed as he felt blood run down his neck in little trickles. He nodded and Snow pulled the blade away. “Now go!”

Elliot ran, clumsy to say the least, out of the room. Aphra slapped Snow so hard that the crack of skin echoed throughout the room. “No wonder you got banished from Victus. You’re a cruel, horrible person. You killed your own sister! The Queen!” she yelled, but Snow put his hand over her mouth. Nobody knew that yet. She bit his hand with her fangs and watched as he writhed in pain and pulled his hand away, and then ran out of the room as fast as she could.

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