Chapter Nineteen

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War is a horrible word. It shouldn’t exist, but it does. It is applied when there is a fight that involves hundreds of thousands or even millions of people and is violent, with many killed. The martyrs who didn’t even want to be involved. We as humans are a war-loving species, though we tend to deny it, we blame it on specific people. I found out from studying the books in the castle library that there had been a large vampire war before, and that was when the Mistshashi was made for those responsible to serve their eternal lives.

I also found a book that read of a great war that had not yet happened between the slayers and vampires, but more than that it pit the two halves of the kingdom against each other. I leant the book against my knee and read it, sitting by the glow and warmth of the fire. I sat in the most comfortable chair and flicked the light on to my left, giving the room enough light so I could read without straining my eyes.

Damien sat by me, looking over my shoulder as I read. I was caught up in the book, so I didn’t really notice. I only noticed with the fact he was blocking some of my light, but I wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone today. Not after I found out that I was being forced to sit through a wedding I don’t want to happen tomorrow, I plan to make a scene. Even if that resulted in my execution, I didn’t care. I always told people that I wanted to die in a way that people would remember. I went from simply cooking at home to this, a full blown vampire assassin in the world of vampires. All because of one person’s death, and that ripped apart my sanity in that split second.

I flicked the page as I continued to read in complete silence, only my breath making the faintest of noises, I didn’t speak. Damien looked at me worried, and looked through the books on the east wall of the large room. He picked out a large one and blew off the dust, coughing and waving it away. The large particles danced around in the air, irritating his eyes. They laughed and finally disappeared as he waved frantically, knowing he had an allergy to dust. That’s right, a strong powerful vampire who could rip your throat out in a breath, who was allergic to dust. Quite ironic really.

He threw the book on the floor, and it landed with a large thud, making the room shake. I looked up and then returned to reading my book. The chapter I was one was describing the two halves of the kingdom and the differences they had, and I realised I had only every killed from one half. It was simple enough. There were the Subjects and there were the Sovereigns.

The subjects were those that followed the monarchy, and came into our world to feed once a month like the law states. They are law abiding citizens and are born vampires, raised in Victus and usually never move away. Ruled by the monarchy, and answer to nobody else except the police.

The sovereigns were the vampires that had been turned while human. They need more blood so they travel to our world and kill against the law, usually once or twice a week. They did not agree with the ruling family but still lived in the same kingdom, just in a separate area. They were more desperate for power than the subjects, so they never got along. Their leader, Ridley Danko, was the most predatorial and ruthless vampire in the kingdom, and once tried to kill the king himself. They were not welcome to see any of the court and were exempt from medical assistance ever since.

I read about the ominous man who I had only ever seen in books. He looked like an angel of darkness, always covered up, with jet black hair and icy blue eyes. There was one picture of him, which is at a ball I presume. It showed all the old vampires such as the King and Queen, and some of the older court members. I guessed this was when they all got on. Below it explained what happened between them, and to sum it up short he kidnapped their eldest daughter and raised her as his own, and kidnapping was and still is considered as a crime of the highest treason.

He used his own hate against the King, to rule the shadowy half of Victus into hatred so strong that they never mixed. His ‘daughter’ got into all sorts of trouble regarding the subjects, as her boyfriend was one. It resulted in a child being born, one that would finally settle the differences. But the child disappeared when she was a toddler, and she was banished away, the boy she was with promptly killed. Let’s just say, nobody got on with each other.

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