Chapter Ten

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We all sat down in our seats. The chairs were white and had a simple silver sash around the back, yet it fit the theme of the wedding. Despite being so late, vampire summer nights seemed to last for 24 hours, and the sky was a glowing orange colour and there was a slight breeze, but besides that it was warm. It was a nice breeze because the humidity and heaviness of the air was starting to get to me. My hair was ready to frizz any second now. The fact I used about fifty hair grips may put the frizz at bay for a few minutes. I took my waiting time to look at the arriving guests.

I blinked and my eyes locked on with shock.

A family sat down, but that wasn’t the thing that shocked me. There was a woman who I didn’t recognise and the man with them was the vampire from my dream. With the protruding wood and the falling rock. I shook my head and looked down. It was just me and my over active imagination. More people turned up and I watched, the seats filled up soon. I looked around but I still couldn’t find Elliot, the only reason we were here. Trent sat by me and I smiled, hugging him extremely tight. I hadn’t seen him for at least a week and I was starting to expect the worse. “I missed you so much” I smiled, nuzzling into his chest. The words came out as “I mwished chu swo mwuch” because his chest muffled my words.

“I missed you too” he smiled, carefully sitting back. I clung onto his chest though, before realising it had become awkward and I sat up again. The guests had finished arriving anyway, so we all sat up waiting. Carter was at the front obviously, wearing a simple black suit and a purple tie. I smiled. Demie’s favourite colour. He really was perfect for her but god, did he look nervous. Damien was trying to calm his nerves but he was having none of it and he smiled, shaking. The King and Queen sat at the front in the row in front of us, and the Queen did not bother to argue with Snow just yet, that time would come. Presumably during the second half of the ceremony.

We all stood up as music played. It was the vague tune to ‘Here comes the bride’ but it wasn’t the full tune. I was truly shocked when I saw the slayers at the back, invited as guests for the day. They probably made a promise not to stake anyone, I chuckled at the thought. Donnie led Demie down the aisle and everyone smiled; I just went “Aww look at her” like a proud mother. Her dress was perfect and when she got to the front and stood by Carter, he blushed heavily. We all sat down and I smoothed out my dress. A smartly dressed man stood between the two and I guessed he was performing the ceremony, Snow rolled his eyes. His description fitted that of their older brother, Sade.

“We are all gathered here, in Victus, to witness the matrimony of Demie and Carter. They have agreed and invited you all to be present as they exchange their vows, binding them to each other until they take their last breaths. They love each other truly and we stick with their partner until the end, through bad situations and good. Though unusual to have a vampire-human wedding, you have all turned up today to show your support, whether you’re a slayer, human or vampire. I know this is highly unusual but I have to say it, does anyone object to the wedding?” he asked, and there was an awkward silence. “Good, makes things run better” he smiled, and Demie laughed nervously and held Carter’s hands.

They ran through their vows and not to sound stereotypical, but they were beautiful. I think we were all in tears but we tried our hardest not to show it. I smiled at how cute they both looked. Both scared to death but happy at the same time. Demie was shaking tremendously, like it was cold even though it was so humid and hot. They exchanged gold and silver rings, encrusted with three smaller gems. One was diamond, one emerald and the other ruby. They looked really expensive, but I knew that what was expensive in our world was cheap here. They were like complete opposites. In a good way though.

Everyone cheered as they kissed and I smiled, secretly wishing I could have a perfect wedding like this, but we soon made our way back into the palace. The hall was decorated how you’d expect, and there were tables and chairs. Snow sat me down in the one next to me and I noticed the slayers had gone home. I looked around everyone, but I still couldn’t find Elliot. When I find him, I’m going to shout at him so much for not being here, after all, that was the only reason we came back. I looked at Snow and sighed. “What happens now?”

“Well, by the looks of it she already knows.” He sighed, gesturing to the pair. “Anyway, this is the more...gory, part of the ceremony.” He smiled devilishly, and I shivered. He narrated everything as it happened, almost sending his voice into my head.

“First, we make a circle around the pair” we did that exactly as he said it to me. Demie looked nervous, but I would be too.

“Then, the King and Queen will give their blessing” which they did, and Carter bowed his head to his parents as they spoke. Demie curtseyed too, holding her dress up slightly as she did, so it wouldn’t drag across the floor.

“Then the fun starts. A bite straight to the neck, but no blood is drank, instead she is left to bleed slowly and everything becomes dizzy and numb” he smiled, watching as she collapsed to the floor. All the vampires in the circle bared their fangs with a hiss, and I gripped Snow’s arm tight. Everything went dark, but we could all still see. There was a luminous green glow to the room and snow kept his gaze on me. “You can’t tell anyone what happens here ok? You will be hunted down” I nodded.

“Now her blood is all gone, they replace it with pure venom. It will burn her for a while but will soon dilute, then she will have to rest for a month and then she will be one of us” he nodded, shielding my eyes with his hand. When I opened my eyes after he had removed it, everyone was gone and all the lights were back on. I stood up and shrugged, looking around at the empty place that greeted me. It was all fine until somebody jumped on me. I blinked through blurry eyes and tried to make out the noise. I must’ve hit my head.

“You! Oh my god! I thought we’d never see you again! I’m so glad you found me, but things have changed. They’re planning a war...”

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