Chapter Twenty Nine

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“What do you mean she’s gone back to fight? WHY DO YOU LEAVE ME WITH ALL THE HARD WORK?” Drella screeched down the phone. She looked at her nails whilst Snow rambled on about how I and Elliot had fought and she tutted. “He’s my husband, if she decides that she likes him too, then she better run” she answered, looking at her wedding ring.

“Yes, but you did kind of force him to marry you. Maybe he does like Leila back” Snow replied, looking out of the library window.  “Plus you haven’t spoken to him since the announcement of the war. What a good relationship you both have” he laughed sarcastically, pushing the window open. How he loved the sound of screaming in the morning.

“Yeah well in the case of war, we’re not allowed any contact with the enemy side. Yeah well, if Leila wants him, then she can die a slow and painful death” Drella smirked, filing her nails. “And I’ll enjoy watching her die”

“Well we now have where she is. She’s on the outskirts of Victus and moving fast” Snow added, looking at the few people struggling to walk across the gardens. They looked injured and he confirmed this because he could smell blood. He knew that out of the vampires it would have to be Drella to kill me, so he decided to wind her up. “Oh, and Elliot and Leila were making out yesterday” he smirked.

“WHAT?” she screamed, looking at the phone. Her eyes flared red and she felt her fangs grow in anger. “Snow you had better be lying here otherwise I may have to kill the bearer of bad news too” she growled at him. He smirked.

“Well, making out, without any clothes on” he smirked, twisting his untrue story even further; he knew that this would push Drella over the edge, and boy it worked. She threw the phone onto the rock and washed as it smashed into hundreds of pieces. The anger was now consuming her after finding that out (even though it was just a well acted and thought about lie).

“I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL HER SOON!” she yelled, feeling tears roll down her cheeks from frustration. She also, for the first time in her life, felt betrayed and hurt. It was a very unusual and foreign feeling that seemed to dent her confidence. She sat on the edge of the rock and hid her face in her hands as she began to cry. Her parents had always made her appear tough but inside she was a very broken and insecure person.

As I walked along the border of Victus I stared into the bleak horizon. It looked like the sun was giving up and was too ill to shine anymore, just like how most people felt. We had nearly lost, 85% of our side had lost their lives. The war was in its last stages and there was no way we were going to win. My eye was still swollen from where Elliot had hit me and it hurt when I walked straight into a tree.

Ok, I really need to be less clumsy

I bumped into someone and stumbled back, looking up at the shadowy figure in shock. I hugged it tight to find that it was Tommie. He looked bruised and had a broken arm, but was still alive, that was the only thing that mattered. He laughed slightly and I noticed that his lip was all cut and bloody. “Hi Leila” he said, rolling his eyes as he shuffled out of my grip.

“Tommie, you don’t know how amazing it is that you’re alive” I smiled, looking at him. “Even if you do look like you’re a zombie” I smiled, watching as he narrowed his eyes in disapproval of the statement. I smiled and hugged him again, feeling his cheeks flare and turn red. He was blushing. The tough guy was blushing. I pulled away and smiled at him as he looked at my eye, which made me frown. “I got into a fight, it was an accident-”

Before I got a chance t finish, he silenced me with a kiss. I felt my knees go weak and I had to pull away before I fell over. He just kissed me, which isn’t weird at all. “Leila, we need to get you to the hideout. They’ll find you otherwise. You’re a wanted person and they won’t stop until they find you. It’s just like a large game of hide and seek, or cat and mouse; you just can’t win”

“Yes I can, and I’m going to prove to you that I can; I don’t care if you help me or not but all I need is for you to believe in me” I asked, looking at him. “Do you believe in me?”

“I do, it’s just I’m unsure as to whether you have the strength to defeat them. You’re weak, Leila. I have a broken arm so I can’t help you and the rest of our side are in hiding. Can’t you see that you’re being too optimistic at the moment?”

“Or are you being too pessimistic?” I replied, looking around. I tripped on a small rock and what appeared to be some fragments of plastic and a small microchip. It resembled a broken phone. I shrugged and put the contents into one of my pockets. Tommie laughed and shook his head as he did.

“You know what, I offered my help to you, but you just went and threw it away like you’ve done to everyone else. You’re on your own now” he said, walking off into the sunny distance. I covered my eyes and ran after him but then stopped as he walked off into the forest. I remembered what Ridley had told me once about the wolves and screamed for him to come back out, but there was a howling and ripping of bone and flesh and I knew he was badly injured or gone.

He talked of some sort of safe house. I could stay there until everything was over and then I could go back to Earth and forget any of this ever happened. It seemed like a good plan. I figured that it would have to have been in the direction he was walking so I pulled my hood up and began to walk through the forest. The tree coverage made the forest air dark compared to the light of the field and made it hard to see where you were going, but I managed.

I heard the low snarl of the wolves. Tommie wasn’t dead; I could tell he had moved because of the trail of blood on the floor. Each wolf looked at me hungrily, its mouth salivating in waiting. But they didn’t attack me; they just stared as I walked. I shook and ran past them and out of the forest. There, standing in front of me, was a small little house. I pushed the door open and shivered as the hinges creaked and walked inside. I lit a candle and looked around the dark room.

There was just empty space, dusty air and no sign of life.

On the wall was a bloody note that appeared to have only been written recently as the blood had not fully dried yet. I picked it off of the nail and looked at it, gagging slightly at the smell of the blood. “Leila, if you’ve found this then they’ve found us. We’re dead. Good luck, lone warrior” it read, with a tiny signature at the bottom. I recognised it as Sally’s. Wherever Sally went, Helena went, so I could only assume she was dead too. Tears welled in my eyes.

The register of names was now scarce and there were only three names not crossed off. Mine, Elliot’s and Tommie’s. I guessed we were the last three humans alive in the battle, but we were all split up from each other, minimising our chances of survival. Even in my nightmare I saw Tommie as a vampire, so it may be an insight into the fact that they might turn him. He was strong and a very good leader.

I grabbed some food and water from the cupboards and put them in a draw string bag I had found by the kitchen. The house looked disused and abandoned. The windows had been smashed and there were remnants of blood over the broken floorboards; it was like someone had been taken from here forcibly. I looked around as the room seemed to burst into life and the scene re-played out in my head.

There was a girl, around twenty, carrying the baby in her arms. I stood against a wall and watched. The girl whispered sweet nothings at the baby girl and nuzzled into what I assumed to be her partner. This must’ve been their house. This was like what Ridley had explained to me about Aphra. Then, there were loud knocks at the door. The man pushed her and the baby out of the room to safety as four large and burly vampires broke through the door.

They grabbed him and threw him outside, wrapping chains around his wrists. They then found the girl and pulled her outside, leaving the broken floorboards and blood on the floor. The ghost like memories disappeared and I blinked.  What had just happened? I continued packing and walked out of the house to see no sign of any of the figures.

We’re going to kill you Leila, watch your back

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